Heather Campbell-Enns
Canada Research Chair in Families and Aging; Associate Professor of Psychology

Paul Doerksen
Associate Professor of Theology and Anabaptist Studies and P.M. Friesen Co-Chair in Biblical and Theological Studies

Lee-Anne Dowsett she/her
Associate Professor of Music Therapy; Affiliate Faculty of Experiential Learning

Lindsay Drabiuk
Adjunct Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies (Supervised Psychospiritual Education)

Jonathan Dueck
Vice-President Academic; Associate Professor of Social Science (Ethnomusicology) and of Writing

Jodi Dueck-Read she/her
Director of Research and Program Grants; Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution Studies and Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies

Andrew Dyck
Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality and Pastoral Ministry; Affiliate Faculty of Practicum; P.M. Friesen Co-Chair of Biblical and Theological Studies

Christine Kampen Robinson she/her
Faculty Lead, Program Development; Teaching Assistant Professor and Chair, Experiential Learning

Chenene Layne
Adjunct Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies (Supervised Psychospiritual Education)

Karen Ridd
Teaching Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies, and of Conflict Resolution Studies

Jonathan M. Sears he, him, his
Associate Professor of International Development and Political Studies
Director, MA in Peacebuilding and Collaborative Development

Buetta Warkentin she/her
Associate Professor of Social Work & Field Education Coordinator, Affiliate Faculty in Practicum

Verna Wiebe
Teaching Assistant Professor of Music; Director of Community School of Music & the Arts / Coordinator of Individual Applied Music Studies