Accessibility Services
CMU is committed to helping students succeed in their university studies and is continually developing resources to provide an environment where students with disabilities, medical conditions, mental health conditions, and temporary injuries can fully participate and thrive.
Students seeking academic or other accommodations should follow this process:
- Fill out the Accessibility Services Registration Form through their application portal.
- Set up a meeting with the Manager of Accessibility Programs.
- Provide appropriate medical documentation. If you already have it, please upload to the application portal. If not, this can be discussed in the meeting.
- Returning students can access the necessary documents from the Student Hub, Populi, or by contacting the Accessibility Services office.
New students are encouraged to complete registration by August 15 for Fall applicants and December 1 for Winter applicants for the best start to the semester. To set up an appointment in-person or online with Sandra Loeppky, Coordinator of Accessibility Services, use the appointment booking form or email sloeppky
Accessibility Services FAQs
How do I know if I qualify for Accessibility Services registration?

Accessibility Services provides accommodations to student whose conditions fit the following criteria:
- Permanent condition (chronic or episodic)
- Prolonged or persistent condition (at least 12 months but not permanent)
- Temporary condition (injury or surgery)
Examples of disabilities and conditions that could be eligible for academic accommodations:
- Acquired brain injury
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Hearing impairment
- Learning disability
- Medical/Chronic Illness
- Mental Health conditions
- Mobility/Physical
- Vision
- Other: If you do not see your condition listed, please contact Accessibility Services.
How do I register with Accessibility Services?

- Fill out the Accessibility Services Registration form
- Gather medical documentation confirming the condition (must be no less than five years old)
- Schedule your registration meeting with the Coordinator of Accessibility Services to discuss requested accommodations
When should I register with Accessibility Services?

- Ideally, students who know they will need accommodations should register a minimum of four weeks prior to the start of a new semester.
- Fall: August 15
- Winter: December 1
- Students can register at any time during the semester
- Some accommodations may not be available to those who register after the start of the semester until the following semester
- Temporary accommodations can register at any time
What if my medical documentation is outdated or not available?

- Students may be given a one semester ‘grace period’ with accommodations while they pursue new documentation.
- Bring a copy of the documentation you have, even if it is outdated.
- If you don’t know where to get medical documentation, please contact your family doctor or ask the Coordinator of Accessibility Services for recommendations.
What kinds of academic accommodations might be available to me?

Accommodations are made available based on a combination of the assessment recommendations and student experience. Here is a list of the most common accommodations provided:
- Campus accommodations
- Accessible parking
- Housing accommodations
- Exam accommodations
- Extended time
- Quiet, distraction-reduced space
- Access to a computer
- Reader/Scribe
- Classroom accommodations
- Course notes/lecture recording
- Extensions on assignments
- Alternate format
- Priority seating