Gordon Zerbe
Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar, Biblical and Theological Studies

Gordon concluded his teaching career at CMU in the spring of 2023, beginning as a sessional instructor in the fall of 1988, and then as a full-time professor starting in 1990. He served in a variety of capacities, including two terms in academic administration (2004–2007; 2014–2017), interrupted by two terms as visiting professor at Silliman University Divinity School, Dumaguete City, Philippines (1996–1998; 2002–2004). He recently served as visiting professor at Duta Wacana Christian University in Indonesia for a semester (January to June 2024). His primary teaching area was in Biblical and Theological Studies, but he also taught courses in the areas of Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies, Cultural Anthropology, History, and World Religions. His current research interest is in migration and settler-indigenous dynamics in the world of the Bible.
PhD New Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary 1991; MA Cultural Anthropology, Western Washington University 1987; MA Biblical Studies (New Testament), Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary 1979; BA Social Work, Tabor College 1976
Work in Detail
Philippians, Believers Church Bible Commentary. Herald Press, 2016.
Citizenship: Paul on Peace and Politics. Winnipeg: CMU Press, 2012. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/cmupress/Citizenship_Media_Kit.pdf; https://www.amazon.ca/Citizenship-Peace-Politics-Gordon-Zerbe/dp/1532658478; https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Introduction-Situating-Paul-and-Ourselves-GZ.pdf
Editor, Reclaiming the Old Testament: Essays in Honour of Waldemar Janzen. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 2001.
Non-retaliation in Early Jewish and New Testament Texts: Ethical Themes in Social Contexts. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 13. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993.
Scholarly and Peer-Reviewed Articles
"Embracing and Contesting Tradition and Identity: Drawing on the Figure of Saul/Paul for Reframing 'Anabaptism 500.'" Vision: A Journal of Church and Theology. 25.1(2024): 90-96. https://press.palni.org/ojs/index.php/vision/article/view/876
"Romans." Anabaptist Dictionary of the Bible. Online. https://www.anabaptistwiki.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Romans.
with Silvie Kroeker, "Philoxenia as 'Befriending the (Needy, Migrant) Foreigner': Biblical and Diaconal-Peacebuilding Reflections," in Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace: Global Mennonite Perspectives on Peacebuilding, 315-326. Eds. Nina Schroeder, et al. Pickwick Publications, 2023.
"Pacifism: New Testament," in the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (De Gruyter, 2009-continuing).
"Christian Social Action and Global Citizenship Education," in International Handbook on Ecumenical Diakonia: Contextual Theologies and Practices of Diakonia and Christian Social Services. Eds. Godwin Ampony, et al. Oxford: Regnum Books, 2021. Pp. 673-680.
"(Re)Creation in Paul: World Subjection and World Reconciliation," in The Earth is the Lord's and Everything in It: Essays on Creation and Biblical Theology in Honor of Ben C. Ollenburger. Eds. Ryan D. Harker and Heather L. Bunce. University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, 2019. Pp. 170-185.
"Welcoming as Christ Has Welcomed: Paul's Challenge to Christians in Rome," Vision: A Journal of Church and Theology 17/1 (Spring 2016): 78-86. https://press.palni.org/ojs/index.php/vision/article/view/146/105
"From Retributive to Restorative Justice in Romans," Direction 44/1 (Spring 2015): 43-58. https://directionjournal.org/44/1/from-retributive-to-restorative-justice.html
"Justice and the True Polis: A Response to T. Jennings, Outlaw Justice: The Messianic Politics of Paul." Syndicate: A New Forum for Theology 1, no. 1 (May/June 2014): 104–12. https://syndicate.network/symposia/theology/outlaw-justice/
"'Be(a)ware of the Dogs, Evildoers and Butchery': Text and Theory in the Discourse on Peace and Violence in Paul," in Struggles for Shalom: Peace and Violence across the Testaments. Eds. L. Brenneman and B. Schantz. Wipf & Stock, 2014. Pp. 228-41. Also issued in Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 169-180. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-10-Beward-of-the-Dogs-GZ.pdf
"Human Nature and Destiny in Biblical Perspective," in On Being Human: Essays from the Fifth Shi'i Muslim Mennonite Christian Dialogue, Harry J Huebner, Hajj Muhammad Legenhausen, eds. (Winnipeg: CMU Press, 2013). Pp. 39-59.
"Believers as Loyalists: The Anatomy of Paul's Language of Pistis." In Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 26-46. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/academic/CMU-Believers-as-Loyalists:-The-Anatomy-of-Paul%E2%80%99s-Language-of-Pistis.pdf
"The Politics of Worship in Paul's Writings." In Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 47-61. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-3-The-Politics-of-Worship-in-Pauls-Writing-GZ.pdf
"Partnership and Equality: Paul's Economic Theory." In Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 75-92. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-5-Partnership-and-Equality-GZ.pdf
"(Modest) Challenges to Patriarchy and Slavery in Paul." In Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 93-108. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-6-Modest-Challenges-to-Patriarchy-and-Slavery-in-Paul-GZ.pdf
"Soldiering and Battling: The Function of Military Imagery in Paul's Writings." In Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 123-140. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-8-Soldiering-and-Battling-GZ.pdf
"Peace and Justice in the Bible," in Peace and Justice: Essays from the Fourth Shi'i Muslim Mennonite Christian Dialogue, Harry J Huebner, Hajj Muhammad Legenhausen, eds. (Winnipeg: CMU Press, 2011). Pp. 124-43.
"The one and the many, the part and the all: Unity and diversity in the Messiah's body politic," Vision: A Journal of Church and Theology 11/1 (Spring 2010): 77-90. https://press.palni.org/ojs/index.php/vision/article/view/295/248 Reissued with minor changes in Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 65-74.
"The relevance of Paul's eschatological ecclesiology for ecumenical relations," in New Perspectives in Believers Church Ecclesiology, A. Dueck, H. Harder, K. Koop, eds. (Winnipeg: CMU Press, 2010). Pp. 30-47. Reissued with minor changes in Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 108-120. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-7-The-Relevance-of-Pauls-Eschatological-Ecclesiology-GZ.pdf
"On the Exigency of a Messianic Ecclesiology: An Engagement with Philosophical Readers of Paul," in Paul, Philosophy, and the Theopolitical, ed. Doug Harink. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010. Pp. 254-81. Reissued with minor changes in Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 195-215. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-12-On-the-Exigency-of-a-Messianic-Ecclesiology-GZ.pdf
"Citizenship and Politics according to Philippians," Direction 38/2 (2009): 193-208. https://directionjournal.org/38/2/citizenship-and-politics-according-to.html Reissued with minor changes in Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 13-25.
"Paul on the Human Being as a 'Psychic Body': Neither Dualist nor Monist," Direction 37/2 (2008): 168-184. https://directionjournal.org/37/2/paul-on-human-being-as-psychic-body.html Reissued with minor changes in Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 183-194.
"The Letter to the Colossians," with Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro. In A Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings. Ed. R. Sugirtharajah and F. Segovia. New York: T & T Clark, 2007. Pp. 294-303.
"Christ, Canon and Confession: The Bible and the Confession of Faith in Mennonite Perspective." Mennonite Quarterly Review, 81/3 (July 2007): 327-350.
"The Wisdom of the Cross and the Knowledge of Our Age." Higher Learning and the Wisdom of the Cross. Mennonite University Faculty Conference Presentations; Bluffton, OH; August 8-10, 2006. Goshen, IN: Mennonite Education Agency, 2006. Pp. 5-18.
"Economic Justice and Non-retaliation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Implications for New Testament Interpretation," In Jesus and the Origins of Christianity (The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Vol. 3). Ed. James H. Charlesworth. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2006. Pp. 319-355.
"Constructions of Paul in Filipino Theology of Struggle," Asia Journal of Theology 19/1 (April 2005): 188-220. Reprinted with minor revisions in The Colonized Paul: Paul through Postcolonial Eyes, ed. C. Stanley (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011). Pp. 236-55.
"The Politics of Paul: His Supposed Social Conservatism and the Impact of Postcolonial Readings," Conrad Grebel Review 21/1 (Winter 2003): 82-103. Also published in Currents in Biblical and Theological Dialogue, ed. John K. Stafford. Winnipeg: St. John's College, University of Manitoba, 2002. Pp. 42-57. Reprinted with minor revisions in The Colonized Paul: Paul through Postcolonial Eyes, ed. C. Stanley (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011). Pp. 62-73. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Politics-of-Paul-GZ.pdf
"Revelation's Exposé of Two Cities: Babylon and New Jerusalem." Direction 32/1 (Spring 2003): 47-60. https://directionjournal.org/32/1/revelations-expose-of-two-cities-babylon.html
"Forgiveness and the Transformation of Conflict: The Continuity of a Biblical Paradigm." In Reclaiming the Old Testament: Essays in Honour of Waldemar Janzen. Ed. G. Zerbe. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 2001. Pp. 235-58.
"Biblicists, Spiritualists, Millenarians, Rebels, and Pacifists: Reflections on the 'Radical Reformation'," Silliman Journal 41/1 (Jan-June 2000): 90-110.
Response to T. Yoder Neufeld, "`Bound by Peace' (Eph. 4:3): The Reconciliation of Divergent Traditions in Ephesians," The Conrad Grebel Review 11 (1993) 211-32. In Conrad Grebel Review 12 (1994) 89-95.
"`Pacifism' and `Passive Resistance' in Apocalyptic Writings: A Critical Evaluation." In The Pseudepigrapha and Early Biblical Interpretation. Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity 2. Ed. James H. Charlesworth and Craig A. Evans. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993. Pp. 65-95.
"Paul's Ethic of Non-retaliation and Peace." In The Love of Enemy and Nonretaliation in the New Testament. Studies in Peace and Scripture 3. Ed. W. Swartley. Philadelphia: Westminster/John Knox, 1992. Pp. 177-222. Reissued with minor changes in Zerbe, Citizenship, pp. 141-168. https://www.cmu.ca/docs/faculty/CMU-Citizenship-Chapter-9-Pauls-Ethic-of-Nonretaliatation-and-Peace-GZ.pdf
"Ecology according to the New Testament," Direction [Fresno, CA] 21/2 (1992): 15-26. https://directionjournal.org/21/2/ecology-according-to-new-testament.html
"The Kingdom of God and Stewardship of Creation." In The Environment and the Christian: What Can We Learn from the New Testament. Ed. Calvin DeWitt. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1991. Pp. 73-92.
"Jews and Gentiles as People of the Covenant: The Background and Meaning of Romans 11," Direction 12/3 (1983): 20-28. https://directionjournal.org/12/3/jews-and-gentiles-as-people-of-covenant.html
General Audience Publications
"The Apostle Paul: Prisoner for Christ." Rupert's Land News, March Issue, 2021. Pp. 15-16. https://rupertslandnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2021-03-MAR-v3.pdf
"Paul and Indigenous Spiritualities," in Quest for Respect: The Church and Indigenous Spirituality, ed. Jeff Friesen and Steve Heinrichs. Intotemak, Spring 2017. Winnipeg: Mennonite Church Canada, 2017. Pp. 114-117. https://www.commonword.ca/ResourceView/82/19134 https://www.commonword.ca/FileDownload/48848/TRC3_QuestForRespect_DigitalEdition.pdf/99ec94127c8f415dd10c2e9775621ecb
"Revelation's exposé of two cities: Imperial Rome's reign of greed vs. New Jerusalem's reign of justice." Vision: A Journal of Church and Society 15/1 (2014): 52-53. https://press.palni.org/ojs/index.php/vision/article/view/197
"Discipleship as Citizenship: The Legacy of the Apostle Paul," Canadian Mennonite, 17/24 (December 1 2013): 4-8. https://canadianmennonite.org/articles/discipleship-citizenship
"Rebellious Hope: A Good Friday Sermon." Joint Winnipeg Good Friday Service, March 29, 2013. https://www.commonword.ca/FileDownload/17480/rebellious_hope.pdf
"The Text of the 1611 King James Version," online contribution to "'This Booke of Starres': 400 Years of the King James Bible," exhibit of the University of Manitoba Libraries, March-December 2011. http://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/digital/bible/text.html
"Construction worker becomes radical prophet." Geez, Winter 2009, pp. 26-27. https://geezmagazine.org/magazine/article/construction-worker-becomes-radical-prophet
"Introduction to Colossians." In The Peoples' Bible. Eds. C. DeYoung, W. Gafney, L. Guardiola-Sáenz, G. Tinker, and R. Yamada. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2008. Pp. 1641-42.
"The challenge of integrating faith and academic learning," CMU Magazine, fall/winter 2004, pp. 5-6.
"Interpreting the Bible: Letter, Spirit, Community." Silliman Ministry Magazine. Issue 73, September 2002, pp. 6-9.
"When Global Traders Ruled the World: Babylon and New Jerusalem as Rival Political Economies," and "Is There Good News for the Rich: Reflections on Some Elements of New Testament Economics," The United Church Letter (Official Publication of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines) 43/7 (December 2002) 12-29.
"Children and the Jesus Supper: Some anecdotal and theological reflections," Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology 2 (2001): 84-94. https://press.palni.org/ojs/index.php/vision/article/view/619/562
"Shareholders of the gospel,." The Marketplace 30/5 (September/October 2000): p. 14.
"The Worldliness of Paul: The Apostle's Social Perspective." Silliman Ministry Magazine. Issue 63, March 1998, pp. 21-32.
"The Quest for Christian Unity according to Paul." Silliman Ministry Magazine. Issue 62, December 1997, pp. 18-26.
"The Church as a Community of Partners." Silliman Ministry Magazine. Issue 60, March 1997, pp. 22-25.
"The Woman and her Leaven." Silliman Ministry Magazine. Issue 58, August 1996, pp. 24-27.
"Jesus uses the power of images." The Mennonite 110 (Oct 10, 1995): 12.
"The Tree of Life: part two of a study of John 15:1-17." The Mennonite 108/17 (Sep 14, 1993): 13.
"A Community of Love in Mission to the World: part one of a study of John 15:1-17." The Mennonite 108/16 (Aug 24, 1993): 12.
with Herb Kopp, "Bibliographic Essay on Church Leadership," Direction 8/2 (1979): 30-33. https://directionjournal.org/8/2/bibliographic-essay-on-church-leadership.html