Karen Ridd
Teaching Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies, and of Conflict Resolution Studies

Karen Ridd (MA Peace and Justice: Governor-General's Gold Medal) has been effectively using alternative teaching methodology while teaching in both the Conflict Resolution Studies and the International Development Studies programmes since 1996. Karen is a mediator, facilitator, teacher, and public speaker who began working as a practitioner in the field of conflict resolution in 1986. In the 1980s Karen worked as a human rights volunteer in war zones in Central America with Peace Brigades International. Her work there was recognized with the 1992 Governor-General's Award: Government of Canada 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation Medal, the 1990 Canada YM/YWCA Canada Peace Medal and the 1989 Manitoba International Human Rights Achievement Award. Karen is also an associate of Training for Change (Philadelphia) and Mediation Services (Winnipeg). Karen has worked extensively with communities in international settings, including El Salvador, Guatemala, Cambodia, Thailand, First Nations Territories, the United States, and Colombia. More recently, Karen has been in demand (Dawson College Montreal, Queen's College City University of New York, Rollins Collge Fla.) as a consultant on the effective use of participatory education in the University classroom. Karen's passions include her sons Daniel and Ben, theatre, whitewater paddling, cycling, and social justice. Karen is a member of the Walls to Bridges Collective (teaching University courses inside prisons and jails), a member of Gesher/Bridge/Jesr (dialogue and action on Israel and Palestine) and Peacing it Together (connecting social activists with conflict resolution practitioners and resources). In 2013 Karen was awarded the international Peace and Justice Studies Association's "Teaching Excellence Award." In 2022 CMU awarded Karen as a co-recipient of the inaugural "'Kay and Lorne Dick Teaching Excellence Award."
Areas of Teaching
Introduction to Conflict Resolution Studies, Nonviolent Action for Social Change, History and Strategies of Effective Nonviolence, Conflict Theory and Analysis, Conflict and Culture, Restorative Justice, Voluntary Simplicity, Senior Seminar in Conflict Resolution Studies, Peace Skills
MA (Peace and Justice Studies)
Work in Detail
Introduction to Conflict Resolution Studies
Peace and Conflict Transformation – Interpersonal and Communal Contexts
Peace and Conflict Transformation – Global Contexts
Conflict and Culture
Conflict Theory and Analysis
History and Strategies of Effective Nonviolence
Nonviolent Action for Social Change
Restorative Justice
Coaching for Resolution
Voluntary Simplicity
Ways of Knowing 1
"Resistance". Peace Magazine, Nov–Dec 1991. http://peacemagazine.org/archive/v07n6p18.htm
"The Role of Protective Accompaniment in Creating Zones of Peace," Co-authored with Craig Kaufmann Peace & Review 9(2): 215-220, 1997.
"And Some Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them: Shakespeare Through an Unschooling Lens. Life Learning Magazine. http://www.lifelearningmagazine.com/1004/Shakespeare_through_an_unschooling_lens.htm
"It Takes a Community to Help Children Learn: Creating a Community Learning Centre for Homeschooling Families", with Marilyn Firth and Mona Sobkowich. Life Learning Magazine. http://www.naturallifemagazine.com/0902/Homeschool_Community_Learning_Center.htm
"The Hardest Thing is the Unknown" in Life Learning: Lessons from the Educational Frontier, ed Wendy Priesnitz. Natural Life Books.
"What About Power" Geez Magazine, the Redoing School Issue. Issue 30, Summer 2013
"There Ought To Be Clowns: Child Life Therapy Through the Medium of a Clown". The Canadian Association of Therapeutic Clowns, 1997, 2009.
"Peace Camps in Quebec and Manitoba to Support the Mohawk in the Oka Crisis, 1990" Global Nonviolent Action Database. http://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu/content/peace-camps-quebec-and-manitoba-support-mohawks-oka-crisis-canada-1990
Member at Large – Peace and Justice Studies Association Board
Assistant Director – Such Stuff Players (youth theatre company)
Co-Producer – Knavish Hedgehogs (youth theatre company for the Fringe)
Volunteer Teacher – Winnipeg Learning Centre
Manager – Phoenix Soccer Club