Greg Wiebe
Adjunct Professor of Theology

Born and raised in Winnipeg (mostly), Greg was one of the first two graduates from CMU with a BA in PACTS, though he began his post secondary career as a student of music at the University of Manitoba. He went on to complete an MA (2009) and PhD (2015) in early Christian theology (Western Religious Thought) at McMaster University, studying the work of St Augustine. The focus of his academic work to this point has been demonology in the theology of St Augustine and early Christianity. Greg's next project focuses on the understanding of angels in early Christianity as it relates to the liturgical assembly, iconography, ecclesiastical structures, and political theology.
Greg is a deacon in the Canadian Orthodox Church (OCA), enjoys talking patristic theology with anybody, and considers the Fathers of the Church his own spiritual fathers. He and his wife Amanda have three beautiful children together. They keep busy with various activities, including programs for the kids, music, sports, family and friends, and also attending St. Nicholas Orthodox Church north of Winnipeg in Narol, MB, where Greg serves altar, learns the complex liturgical patters of the Orthodox church, and leads the bible study.
PhD Western Religious Thought, McMaster University 2015; MA Western Religious Thought, 2009; BA Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies, CMU, 2006
Work in Detail
Introduction to Christianity
Religious Traditions of the World II
Topics in Theology: Theology After Nicaea
2021. Fallen Angels in the Theology of St Augustine. Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Peer Reviewed
2020. "Demons in Christian Thought." In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Classics. Oxford University Press. Article published June 2020. doi:
2017. "Augustine on the Devil's Body and its Sacraments." Pages 7–32 in Studia Patristica LXXXII: Papers Presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015. Volume 8: Demons. Edited by M. Vinzent and S. Lunn-Rockliffe. Leuven: Peeters.
Book Chapters
2014. "Augustine on Pagan Demonolatry: Mediation and Apocalypticism in the Opening Books of The City of God." John Doody, Kari Kloos, Kim Paffenroth, eds. Augustine and Apocalyptic. Augustine in Conversation: Tradition and Innovation. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books
2011. "The Demonic Phenomena of Mark's 'Legion.'" In Anna Runesson, Exegesis in the Making: Postcolonialism and New Testament Studies. Biblical Interpretation Series. Edited by A. Runesson. Leiden: Brill
2018. On Augustine, by Rowan Williams. Direction 47, no. 1 (2018): 119–21.