Jonathan M. Sears he, him, his
Associate Professor of International Development and Political Studies
Director, MA in Peacebuilding and Collaborative Development

International Development (@UW & @CMU) and Political Studies (@CMU)
MA Peacebuilding and Collaborative Development (@CMU)
D289, 500 Shaftesbury Blvd
Jon approaches International Development Studies and Comparative Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa in English, et en Français from a multi-disciplinary background in political studies, philosophy, and anthropology.
Areas of Teaching
Development: Ethics, Aid Policies, Global Politics, African Politics, Political Theory; Development Theory
PhD, Political Studies, Queens University (Kingston, ON), 2007; MA, Political Philosophy, Brock University (St. Catharines, ON), 1999; BA, Honours Anthropology, Saint Thomas University (Fredericton, NB), 1994
Work in Detail
Winter 2025
- PHIL-2600, SOCI-2600 Social and Political Philosophy. CMU main campus
- IDS/PCTS/POLS/SOCI-4100 | PCD-5210 Seminar in Social Change, (also IDS-4100 Senior Seminar in IDS UofWinnipeg). Online.
Spring 2025
- N/A -- Research travel see LINCZ below
- IDS-3101 Development Ethics | CRS-3231 Ethics in Conflict Resolution | PCD-5715: Ethics of Peacebuilding
- POLS-1010: Global Politics
- You're not the boss of me: authority, legitimacy, resistance (POLS/Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies)
- Development Ethics (IDS)
- Senior Seminar in IDS | MA PCD Seminar in Social Change
- Regional Development Issues: West African Sahel (IDS)
- Development Theory (IDS)
- Honours IDS Thesis
- Crisis, Humanitarian Aid, and Development (IDS)
- Conflict and Construction of the Other (Conflict Resolution Studies & IDS)
- Global Politics (POLS)
- Comparative Politics of Development: Africa (POLS)
- Gender and Politics (POLS)
- Social and Political Philosophy (PHIL/SOCI)
- 2024-27. Locally-Led Indigenous Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation in Zimbabwe (LINCZ)
- Project: Everyday governance of climate change adaptation in Zimbabwe. Part of a Mennonite Central Committee-CMU collaboration LINCZ.
- 2025: forthcoming "In-betweenness and mentoring communities of Canadian Mennonite University." In P. Doerksen and P. Dyck eds., A Time of Reckoning: Telling the CMU Story. CMU Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- 2022: "Development and Peacebuilding." In B. Charbonneau and M. Ricard, eds. Routledge Handbook of African Peacebuilding.
- 2022: "State Legitimacy in Mali: Crisis, Contest, (Re)construction." In Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies. Special Issue.
- 2021: In Le coup d'état au Mali. Co-dirigé par Bruno Charbonneau et Tatiana Smirnova
Bulletin du Centre FrancoPaix en résolution des conflits et missions de paix | Vol. 6 no 1-2 pdf- «La transition au Mali: entre transformation et statu quo»
- A draft English version "Between transformation and status quo: Mali's modus vivendi transition 2020–2022." pdf
- «Entretien avec Moustapha Dicko, ancien ministre sous les présidences d'Alpha Oumar Konaré et d'Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta»
- «La transition au Mali: entre transformation et statu quo»
- 2019: Renforcer l'impact du Bureau du vérificateur général du Mali / Strengthening the Impact of Mali's Office of the Auditor General, février.
- NOTE DE POLITIQUE Projet Mali, Montréal, Centre FrancoPaix, Chaire Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques.
- 2018: "On the brink: why 2019 may be another bad year for beleaguered Mali." The Conversation. Dec. 4
- 2018 "Mali faces a turning point as the country prepares for legislative poll," The Conversation. Sep 23.
- 2018: "Mali's next president: some 'what ifs' for the 2018 elections," The Conversation. July25.
- Mali's 2018 elections: a turning point?: Bulletin FrancoPaix, Vol. 3 No. 4 – April 2018.
- en français: Les élections de 2018 au Mali : un tournant ?
- 2017: 'Unmet Hopes to Govern Mali's persistent Crisis.' Centre FrancoPaix A Stabilizing Mali Project Report. August.;
- 2016: (co-Authored with Bruno Charbonneau). "Defending Neoliberal Mali: French Military Intervention and the Management of Contested Political Narratives." In The Politics of International Intervention: The Tyranny of Peace. Eds, Florian Kuhn and Mandy Turner. New York: Routledge.
- 2014: (co-Authored with Bruno Charbonneau). « Faire la guerre pour un Mali démocratique: l'intervention militaire française et la gestion des possibilités politiques contestées». Revue canadienne de science politique, vol. 47, no. 3
- 2014. (co-Authored with Bruno Charbonneau). "Fighting for Liberal Peace in Mali? The Limits of International Military Intervention." Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Vol. 8, Issue 2-3 (double issue)
- 2013. "Seeking sustainable legitimacy: Existential challenges for Mali", International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 68(3), 444-453.
Jon seeks to place events in Mali and Sahelian Africa in historical and cultural context as the focus of recent writing, and as part of ongoing investigation of how citizen identity in African contexts is rooted in multiple cultures, and how these political cultures are affected by responses by individuals and groups to economic and political liberalization, and post-conflict peaceabuildng at the interface of international and national actors and institutions.
Related are Jon's other research engagements and projects,
- External member, Centre FrancoPaix at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), and Mali Project research team.
- What do we pray for when we pray for peace? KAIROS Canada Spirited Reflection, June 24, 2018
- 2016: Mennonite Central Committee Country Program Review: Chad (Review Team Leader).
- Jon serves the Canadian International Council – Winnipeg Branch as a Faculty Advisor from CMU
- Jon and his partner attend with their kid Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship.