Jobb Arnold
Associate Professor of Conflict Resolution and Psychology

I am an associate professor of Conflict Resolution Studies and Psychology and coordinator of the master’s program in Peacebuilding and Collaborative Development. My current research includes cross-cultural and comparative study of the dynamics of conflict and reconciliation in Canada, Rwanda, and Northern Ireland. This work intersects with my research in the field of comparative genocide studies where I have used psychological and ethnographic methods to examine the intergenerational features and community level impacts of cultural destruction and resurgence.
My applied community conflict resolution work has included collaborating with service providers to develop training workshops for frontline service providers responding to violence associated with methamphetamine use. I am actively engaged in developing and leading land-based experiential education as a way to facilitate teambuilding, positive cross-cultural relationships, and leadership development while reconnecting with the regional ecosystems we depend upon.
Areas of Teaching
Conflict studies; comparative genocide; reconciliation; peacebuilding; social change; resilience; experiential learning
PhD in Cultural Studies (Queen's); MA in Social Psychology (UBC); BA (Hons.) in Psychology and Political Science (Lakehead)
Work in Detail
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Introduction to Conflict Resolution Studies (CRS 1200)
Public Violence and Frontline Intervention (PCTS 2145)
Conflict and Culture (CRS 2241)
Conflict and Communication (CRS 2252)
Ecological Dynamics of Peacebuilding (CRS 4293)
Graduate Courses Taught
Genocide, War and Violent Conflict (PCD 5110 )
Violence and Trauma (PCD 5190)
Applied Psychology: Methods in Conflict Resolution, Resilience, and Social Change (PCD 5900)
Conflict Resolution and Human Rights (PCD 5620)
Conflict and the Construction of the Other (CRS 4910)
Doctoral Supervision
2020–2021: David Porter, "Peacebuilding through Reintegration Programs in Pictou County, Nova Scotia" (Peace and Conflict Studies)
2019–2020: Kaziwa Dylan, "Genocide Culture: From Everyday Cultural Doxa and Ethnic Engineering to Genocide of Kurds in Iraq" (Cultural Studies)
Master's Theses
2022: Erin Anderson (Peace and Conflict Studies)
2020: Racheal Kalaba (Development Practice)
2017: Iana Petrus (Peace and Conflict Studies)
"Conflict and Reconciliation in Canada: Antagonism and Agonistic Peacebuilding." Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis (2023).
"Electoral Transition, Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Indigenous, Newcomer and Mainstream Relations in Winnipeg." Canadian Journal of Peace Research (2021).
"Being Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic." In, COVID-19 and Cultural Studies: Articulating the Pandemic (2020) available online at:
"Community Meth Response: Resilient Adaptations: Community Conflict Response" Training Workshop Manual (2020).
"Enhancing the Educational Outcomes for South Sudanese Refugee Youth: Laying the Groundwork for International Comparative Research." Organizational Report Education Pathways to Peace: Canadian-Led Global Project (2020).
"Salutogenesis and the Prevention of Social Death: Cross-Cultural Lessons from Genocide-Impacted Rwandans and Indigenous Youth in Canada." Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal (2019).
"Bare Nature: Re-grounding Relational Genocide in the Canadian Tar Sands," Space and Culture (2018).
"Land Affect and the Canadian Tar Sands," In Jennifer Ladino and Michael Bladow (eds.) Affective Ecocriticsims (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018).
"Canada's Three Sovereignties and the Hope of Indigenous-Led Populism," In Kiera L. Ladner and Myra J. Tait (eds.) Surviving Canada: Indigenous Peoples Celebrate 150 Years of Betrayal (Arbeiter Ring Press, Winnipeg, 2017).
"Three Sovereignties and an Election" in Red Rising Magazine, Issue No. 1, (Winnipeg, 2015).
"Bare Nature: Industrial Development and Ontological Destruction" Space and Culture 2014.
"A psychological Investigation of Individual and Social Transformation in Post-Genocide Rwanda," in Confronting Genocide. Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice series, eds. Rene Provost and Payam Akhavan, (Netherlands: Springer Press, 2011): 305-319.
"The Impact of International Funding on Reconciliation and Human Security in Northern Ireland: Identity, Affinity, and Aversion in the Political Domain." (co-authored with Sean Byrne) Journal of Human Security Vol. 6, No. 3 (2010): 16-35.
"The EU peace II fund and the international fund for Ireland: Nurturing cross-community contact and reconciliation in Northern Ireland," (co-authored with Sean Byrne) Geopolitics Vol. 14, No. 4 (2009): 630-52.
"Economic aid: The end of phase II and the impact on sustainable peacebuilding in Northern Ireland." Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. (co-authored with Sean Byrne) Vol. 3, No. 3: (2009): 345-6.
Program Coordinator, MA Peacebuilding and Collaborative Development (2019–Present)
Practicum Advisor, Conflict Resolution Studies, Menno Simons College (2016–17)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Affect Project, University of Manitoba (2015)
Youth Programs Team Lead, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario (2014)
Networks Advisor, Dalhousie University, Resilience Research Centre (2013)
Research Assistant, Queen's University Department of Sociology (2009–12)
Research Analyst, European Union, Monitoring and Evaluation, Northern Ireland (2008)
Good Governance Intern, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Rwanda (2005)
Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, Indigenous-Newcomer Sector Table (2015–Present)
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Indigenous-Settler Working Group (2019–Present)
Co-Chair, University of Winnipeg Experiential Learning Network (2016–17)
Collaborator, Red Rising Collective, (2015–17)
Community Organizer, 13 Fires Racial Inclusion Workshop Series (2015)