Additional Program Details
Leadership for the Common Good
Leadership for the Common Good is a unique perspective that we bring to leadership education. It provides the lens we look through as we develop curriculum. We organize our work around competency, relationships, and personal formation.
Competency – Developing transformative leaders who design businesses and organizations and nurture communities to be resilient and sustainable with skills in entrepreneurship, shared vision development, mutual accountability, financial integrity, continuous innovation, empowerment of people and teams, and systems thinking.
Relationships – Building a community where we develop and maintain trustworthy relationships with each other and God, where creative problem solving responds to constituent and community life conditions to transform personal, business, organizational, and community conflicts into healthy outcomes.
Personal Formation – Walking with students on a journey of integration, spiritual growth, and maturity, and resulting in leaders who understand that personal, business, organizational, and community existence and success are tied to the sustainability of local and global systems.
Program Values
Following are the values we bring to leadership education:
Leading as Service – Transformative leadership starts with self-awareness and leads to empowering and serving others.
Planning for Sustainable Organizations – Business, organizational, community and global economic success, as well as an acknowledgement of our interdependence with our environment, are vital for healthy societies.
Building Community – We live, learn, grow, and thrive in relationship with others. We believe that learning occurs best in the context of diverse community.
Global Citizenship – We are interdependent and mutually accountable to local, national, and global communities. As a result, we believe in interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and interfaith engagement around world problems.
Growing Spiritually – As leaders, we are on a journey of spiritual formation and growth, drawing on our spiritual resources to improve our communities and organizations.
Flexible Delivery and Community
We work hard at developing community and at the same time maximizing the flexibility that working adults need when pursuing additional education. We do this through a combination of residencies and synchronous and asynchronous online learning.
We require two residencies, one located in North America and one located in a developing country. The North American residency is at the beginning of the program and the location rotates between our four schools. The residency in a developing country varies by cohort with specific information on location available prior to the beginning of any new cohort.
Non-residency courses are delivered primarily through the use of Zoom with complementary asynchronous learning activities as deemed appropriate by the course instructor.
Through the implementation of this hybrid multi-channel approach to the delivery of our education, our goal is to enhance the development of community even beyond what you would experience in a complete face-to-face program.