NEW! MA concentration in Spiritual Care offered in Fall 2023
The Graduate School of Theology and Ministry offers a Master of Divinity, a Master of Arts with three concentrations, and a Graduate Certificate. It also includes an Mennonite Brethren Graduate Theological Education Track.
See the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar for complete program information.
Extended Education

Qualified students may take up to five (5) courses at the graduate level as Extended Education students before formal admission into one of the program offered through the GSTM. Find information on how to register as an extended education student.
Mennonite Brethren Graduate Theological Education Track

The Mennonite Brethern Graduate Theological Edcation Track (MB GTE Track) prepares students by focusing on these areas:
- knowledge and appreciation of MB history and convictions
- knowledge and skill for studying the Bible and theology
- understanding the dynamics of church governance and leadership in the MB Church
- personal spiritual formation, and the capacity to nurture the spiritual formation of others
- skills for ministry with a missional emphasis
- growth in self-awareness, emotional health, and Christian character.
Students who complete the MB GTE Track concentration will be equipped to complete the MB credentialing process.
Students in the MB GTE Track are required to:
- Complete a total of 9 credit hours to be selected among the designated MB Track courses approved for each academic year.
- Participate in two MB formal events per year (e.g. Manitoba Assembly, "Nuts & Bolts," etc.) and two informal events (e.g.advising sessions, focused conversations with faculty or MB leaders,et.). Students are invited to contact their academic advisor more more details.
Current MB professors of relevance to the MB GTE Track requirements are Andrew Dyck, Paul Doerksen, Brian Froese, Pierre Gilbert, and Christine Longhurst. Instructors teaching at CMU as MB adjunct professors are also applicable.