Undergraduate Studies

Colombia – February 2025


Colombia Overview

Travel and study in Colombia for two weeks in February 2025, as Dr. Wendy Kroeker and Mennonite partner organizations lead this rich experience. Students will be exposed to the impacts of armed conflict, poverty, militarization, and community resilience through local partners. These relationships offer the opportunity to discover and explore creative approaches to peacebuilding and trauma recovery within the Colombian context, thereby challenging students to think about their own reality wherever they live.

Furthermore, students will be given the opportunity to build experience in qualitative research through opportunities to interview community members with connections to local peace organization partners.

All programming will be translated into English so that there is no language requirement to participate.


Academic Overview


PCTS/PSYC/IDS-2950 – Colombia: Peacebuilding in Conflicted Contexts

This course will provide students with opportunities to study the impact of conflict and prolonged violence on local communities and the implications for peacebuilding, resilience and social change. Students will be exposed to the impact of a colonial legacy, decades of violent conflict and efforts to re-build a flourishing society through visits to different regions of the country and organizations focused on enhancing community peace at structural and local levels.

This course may be used to fulfill the following program requirements:

  • Anabaptist course in the Common Curriculum
  • Group A Concentration Course in the Social Science major, Intercultural Studies concentration
  • Additional Concentration Course in the Social Science major, Social Service concentration


24 credit hours of university-level studies



Colombia farmer

Dates and itinerary subject to change.

  • February 15, 2025 – Fly to Bogotá
  • February 16 – Introduction to IMCOL and lecture on peace theology
  • February 17 – Visit Justapaz
  • February 18 – Stories of peace and justice from Colombian community
  • February 19 – Touring Bogotá
  • February 20 – Travel to Cali
  • February 21 – Introduction to Cali and visit to Edupaz
  • February 22 – Hike to waterfalls, tour Cali
  • February 23 – Visit to local community and Venezuelan migrant work
  • February 24 – Travel to Sincerlejo
  • February 25 – Meet with Sembrandopaz
  • February 26 – Visit with farmers and livelihood projects
  • February 27 – Travel to Bogotá, begin debrief
  • February 28 – Debrief and work on research projects with local partners
  • March 1 – Return to Canada

Tuition & Fees

Estamos offers students a rich intercultural education and travel experience at a reasonable cost. The costs below cover the entire student experience, from departure from Canada to return, and everything in between. Canadians and Canadian Permanent Residents will receive up to $2,471 in financial support from Global Skills Opportunity. Canadians and Permanent Residents who identify as low income, having a disability, or Indigenous may qualify for additional funding beyond that (see notes below). Students will be charged a minimum of $800 to participate in Estamos programming, thus GSO funding will only be awarded up to that point. If that cost is still inaccessible, students may make requests for additional funding to the Director of Estamos.

CMU scholarships and bursaries may be used towards Estamos program costs, excluding the Athletic Merit which will not be awarded for any semester that a student is participating in Estamos. Students may use government student aid and RESPs towards Estamos program costs.

Estamos Colombia Program Costs (February 2025)
  Canadian Citizens & Landed Residents International Students
Tuition $777 $1,204
Program Fees1 $1,345 $1,345
Airfare, Insurance, and Carbon Offsets2 $1,064 $1,064
Student Fees $85 $85
Sub-total $3,271 $3,698
Grant from Global Skills Opportunity3 ($2,471)
Grand Total $800 $3,698

1 Program Fees include room and board in Colombia, in-country travel, honoraria to local partners, and entry to any museums or attractions. Students will need to pay for meals while in transit to and from Colombia.

2 These figures are estimates and will be adjusted higher or lower at time of airfare purchase. GSO grant funding will be adjusted accordingly to maintain the grand total listed above. This figure is for a roundtrip flight to/from Winnipeg. Students flying from other locations may face different flight costs.

3 A grant from Global Skills Opportunity allows all Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents discount up to $5,000, with additional funding available to students in the target groups. Given that the Colombia program costs less than $5000, students will not receive $5000, but will receive funding to bring the cost down to $800 or less.

Important Dates

  • April 30, 2024 – Application deadline
  • May 31, 2024 – $500 non-refundable deposit due
  • January 8, 2025 – Remaining student payment

If you have questions about the Estamos Colombia program, please contact Tim Cruickshank, Director of Estamos, at tcruickshank:@:cmu.ca or Dr. Wendy Kroeker at wkroeker:@:cmu.ca.

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