Admission Requirements: Mature Students

Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, who do not possess the academic qualifications for admission as Regular Students, may be considered for admission as Mature Students if they have attained at least twenty-one years of age by the end of the calendar year in which they apply. Applicants must satisfy one of the following conditions:
- Completed grade 12, though lacking some of the subjects required for admission as a Regular Student.
- Completed three approved 40S courses, or equivalent, within the last three years.
- Completed the equivalent of one semester (9 credit hours) at another post-secondary institution (e.g., technical college, Bible school or college) with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
- Completed a certificate program equivalent to one semester of work (9 credit hours) in a continuing education department at a post-secondary institution.
- Satisfactorily completed the General Education Development Tests.
- A successful prior learning assessment conducted at CMU.
Students admitted as Mature Students will be registered as probationary students and will be evaluated at the end of their first year according to CMU’s Academic Probation policy. Applicants whose first language is other than English must satisfy CMU’s English proficiency requirement.