At Our Place

Travel Subsidy to Visit CMU
For prospective students traveling from a distance—whether you are coming for a Discover Day or for an individual visit—CMU offers financial assistance. Read More Read LESS
We pay up to $400 of your total travel cost if you travel by plane, bus, or train to Winnipeg from within Canada ($500 CAD if from the USA). Half of the total cost is paid at the time of your visit (up to $200) and your remainder fare is put into your CMU student account to be applied against tuition costs (up to $200).
Although we welcome and encourage family members (e.g., parents, siblings) to join you in coming to visit, we do not reimburse any travel costs for family members or other chaperones. We will, however, cover the cost of five meals and two nights of on-campus accommodations for all guests from outside Winnipeg, including prospective students, family members, and chaperones.
If you use AirMiles or Reward dollars to pay for flights, the "up to $400" is only calculated using the amount of cash you actually paid. We do not reimburse according to the value of the ticket in these cases.
If you live more than 150 km outside of Winnipeg and drive here, we'll reimburse you for gas at 40 cents/km up to the same limit of $400 (up to $200 when you visit and up to $200 when you become a student).
To qualify for a travel subsidy, your visit must be pre-arranged with the CMU Admissions Department. You will also be required to submit receipts, so hang on to them! Your receipts must be submitted within two weeks of the event date to receive a travel subsidy.
Contact the Admissions Department at admissions
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