Small University • Big Opportunities


There are big opportunities at a small university.

Come discover CMU for yourself.

Undergraduate Programs

Equipped for Life

A CMU education will set you up for success. You will graduate a mature, skilled problem-solver who can write persuasively, speak confidently, and think critically across diverse subject areas.


Graduate Programs

A Positive Impact on the World

The common purpose that binds all of CMU's graduate programs is building leaders and change-makers—in business, in the not-for-profit and government sectors, in the community, and in the church.


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The CMU Difference.

"I'm going into a very competitive field, and I knew that I could find extra help and support here. I knew about the higher standards, and that CMU could contribute to my success in the field." – Recent Graduate

Where my professors know me

Where my professors know me

Where my faith and community matter

Where my faith and community matter

Where my learning and career connect

Where my learning and career connect

Where my education is exceptional

Where my education is exceptional


It’s not what you do, it’s who you become.

What Stands out in your Experience?

What stands out from your CMU experience?

What surprised you about CMU

What surprised you about CMU?


Canadian Mennonite University is committed to embodying the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. This means fostering a safe and welcoming environment for people of all identities, orientations, backgrounds, and beliefs.

What's Happening

Featured News

Face2Face | Anabaptism at 500: Commitment to Scripture (video)

From 1525 to 2025, Anabaptists have taken a very personal and community-oriented approach to their embrace of the scriptures. This evening's conversation will investigate the ways the Bible shaped the 16th century Anabaptist movement at its inception and continues to uniquely define the Anabaptist tradition today. We will also celebrate the Canadian launch of the Anabaptist Community Bible.

Dr. John Brubacher | 2024 Kay and Lorne Dick Teaching Excellence Award Recipient (video)

Dr. John Brubacher | 2024 Kay and Lorne Dick Teaching Excellence Award Recipient (video)

Dr. John Brubacher, Associate Professor of Biology, has worked at CMU since 2008. He and Lynda Loewen, Teaching Assistant Professor of Psychology, are co-recipients of the 2024 Kay and Lorne Dick Teaching Excellence Award.

The award, established in 2022, is granted annually to two faculty members who best exemplify CMU's commitment to excellent teaching.

#myCMUlife | How do CMU students spend their reading week?

#myCMUlife | How do CMU students spend their reading week?

Reading week is something that every student looks forward to. Whether you're visiting home or staying on campus, it is a time for relaxing, hanging out with friends and family, catching up on sleep, having fun, and, well, reading.

Good study habits are important, but what second-year student and Poettcker Hall resident Shusmita Shovona took away from the fall semester reading week was the chance to have a fun time with the different residence events that were planned out. "My favourite events were the movie screening and sleepover in the lecture hall, and gargon." For context, gargon is a student-created game where you run around the north side castle at nighttime with an objective that changes every year, while being chased by enemies.

Upcoming Events

CommonWord Book Launch | The Word Fulfilled by Michael Pahl

Join author Michael Pahl with guests Janessa Nayler-Giesbrecht and Phil Campbell-Enns as they discuss how Jesus read his Bible, and what this might mean for how we should read ours.

Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.) & livestream

March 6 • 7:00 PM

more info & livestream

Mennonite Community Orchestra | Youthful Sounds

The spring concert of the Mennonite Community Orchestra, CMU’s Orchestra in Residence, is entitled “Youthful Sounds”. Featured performances include piano soloist Raymond Ding playing Maurice Ravel’s Piano Concerto In G Major, as well as Amy Beach’s Symphony in E minor. Tickets: $20 for adults, $10 for students, 16 and under free when accompanied by an adult.

Lutheran Church of the Cross (560 Arlington St.)

March 16 • 3:00 PM

Get tickets
CMU 25

20th Annual Verna Mae Janzen Music Competition

Featuring finalists Jacob Kenny, Julia Norris, Allison Ong, Shanley Vogan, and Stefanie Zacharias.

Laudamus Auditorium

March 20 • 7:00 PM

more info

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