Student Life

Student Policies & Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find my student ID number?

  • New Students – Your student ID number is on your admission letter.
  • Returning Students – If you forgot your student ID, look on your CMU Student Card or on your Populi. The transcript and bill statement all indicate your CMU Student ID number.

What is Populi?

Populi is your online tool that gives you access to

  • Registration
  • Bill statement (a bill statement will not be mailed to you)
  • Timetable
  • Class information that your instructors post such as the syllabus, announcements, assignment descriptions, notes, etc.
  • Your grades
  • An unofficial transcript

How do I access CMU computers and my CMU email?

  • New Students – You will be issued a User ID, password, and CMU email address after registration.
  • Returning Students – If you forgot your User ID or password, contact
  • This password will give you access to:
    • On-Campus Computers – there are two computer labs (South Side and North Side, and in the Library).
    • CMU Email – This is the primary way that you will be contacted throughout the year with important information. (

How do I forward CMU email to a personal address?

  • Log into your CMU student email.
  • Click on the gear icon in the top right.
  • Click "Options" in the drop-down menu that appears.
  • On the right hand side, under "shortcuts to other things you can do", click "forward your email".
  • Under forwarding, type your personal email address to which you would like your CMU student email forwarded.
  • Click "start forwarding".

I need confirmation of my enrolment. How do I get this done?

You can now access a verification of enrolment letter through your CMU populi student portal:

  • Login using the same ID and password that you use for your CMU email.
  • Select “Student” on your menu bar.
  • Select “Print Enrollment Verification”.

I have a physical limitation, learning disability, or mental health disability. What should I do?

If you wish you receive accommodations from Accessibility Services, you will need to complete a Self-Identification of Disability Form and provide documentation from a medical office or psychologist. Download the Self-Identification of Disability form and submit it, along with the Verification of Disability form, to the Manager of International Student and Accessibility Programs.

How many credits do I need to take to be a full-time student?

To be a full-time student you need to be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credit hours (3 courses) per semester, 18 credit hours for fall and winter. A full-course load ranges from 18 credit hours to a maximum of 34 credit hours.

Note: Some scholarships and bursaries require students to register in more than 9 credit hours per semester.

I think I am eligible to graduate. What do I need to do?

For graduation information, click here.

Who do I contact about student loans?

Contact the Coordinator of Financial Aid & Awards regarding student loans. There is further information regarding funding in the Financial Aid section.

When are fees due? How do I pay?

For information on when fees are due and how to pay, go to Tuition and Fees.

Why should I register for classes early?

  • Early registrants receive priority for spots in classes.
  • During Early Registration, course and program advisors are available to aid students in course selection.

I want to know which courses are required for my degree program. How do I find out?

Complete a degree audit form to ensure that you will meet all the requirements to graduate. To obtain a degree audit form, go to the top of this page and click on:

  • Academics
  • Undergraduate Studies
  • Choose the major or degree you are interested in
  • Choose "Programs" from the side menu
  • You will be able to download degree audit forms
  • If you have any questions, contact your faculty advisor or one of CMU's Coordinators of Advising.

I am an athlete. Should I take a full course load?

  • All CMU student-athletes must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester
  • All returning CMU student-athletes must pass 18 credit hours during their previous year of study and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  • Consider your workload carefully in consultation with an academic advisor. Some student athletes carry a full load of 15 credit hours per semester and maintain very good GPAs. Others reduce their loads to 12 or 9 credit hours per semester

Why should I get to know my faculty advisor?

Your faculty advisor is available to meet with you about courses, future academic and career plans, or spiritual/personal issues. Faculty advisors take a special interest in their students' needs and concerns and can help to give perspective and advice.

I want to take violin (or voice or piano, etc) lessons for credit. What do I do?

If you have been accepted into the CMU School of Music, register for the length of lesson you have been advised to take. If you are not a Music student but have at least an eighth-grade level of achievement in an instrument, you may register for music lessons for credit: this is called "Individual Applied Music Studies" (IAMS) credit, and you may register for 1/2 hour or 3/4 hour lessons (2 or 3 credit hours per year).

Why should I declare my program after 30 credit hours?

Once a student declares their program, a faculty advisor in their declared program of study is provided to them. Further, planning is aided when we know which and how many students are in a particular program of study. Finally, students must declare a program of study in order to continue to receive government financial aid.

What are credit hours?

Credit hours are a standard measure used in determining how much academic material is covered. A course of three credit hours normally requires three hours of lectures per week for one semester. Thus, if you choose five courses of three credit hours each, you will be in class for fifteen hours. Students are allowed to register for a maximum of seventeen credit hours in a semester, including applied music or ensemble courses.

What are prerequisites?

Prerequisites are courses that must be completed before enrolling in some upper-level courses. Some courses at the 1000 and 2000 levels have prerequisites. All courses at the 3000 level or higher have prerequisites. See the Course Offerings section of this website.

What are "Humanities"?

The Humanities are those branches of learning concerned with human intellectual culture, exploring its past, present, and future. At CMU, we offer courses in the Humanities in these fields: English, History, Languages, Music, Philosophy, Religion, and Theatre/Fine Arts.

What are "Social Sciences"?

Social Sciences are those branches of study concerned with human society, social relationships, and individuals within society. At CMU, we offer courses in the Social Sciences in these fields: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, International Development Studies, Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies, Political Studies, Psychology, and Sociology.

What are "Sciences"?

Sciences are those branches of study concerned with the phenomena of the material universe and its general laws, employing methods of empirical observation and systematic classification. At CMU, we offer courses in the following Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics.

What are "Integrative Studies"?

Integrative Studies explore the mosaic of knowledge, around a theological centre, in service of the highest of human loves, which are the love of God and the love of neighbour.

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