Financial Aid

Undergraduate Scholarships & Awards

Academic Merit Awards

Merit Awards recognize CMU students who are gifted in specific areas of achievement and who desire to excel and contribute to CMU in these areas. Each year up to 19 Merit Awards ($1,000-$1,500 per year up to four years) are given to students upon entering CMU.

Academic Merit Awards recognize CMU students who show interest and passion in the commitments that are highlighted in CMU's vision and mission. These include:

  • Educating for peace-justice
  • Learning through thinking and doing
  • Generous hospitality through an invitational community and dialogue.

Each year up to four Academic Merit Awards (maximum value $4,000; $1000 per year up to four years) are awarded to students entering CMU. In order to qualify for an Academic Merit Award, students must submit the Scholarship Application and a 500-word essay answering one of the questions below. One nomination form must also be submitted from someone who knows the student well and can recommend them for this award (e.g. teacher, school counsellor, employer, youth leader, volunteer coordinator, pastor, mentor). All materials must be submitted no later than February 28.


  • Is completing a high school diploma or has no more than 30 credit hours of post-secondary education.
  • Plans to enroll in full-time studies at CMU (minimum 9 credit hours per semester).
  • Students must have a CMU Entrance Average of no less than 80%

A student may apply for one or all of the Merit Awards and also for a Leadership Scholarship. However, students may only receive one Merit Award (Academic, Music, Science, Business, or Athletic) or the Leadership Scholarship.

Continuing Eligibility:

  • GPA of 3.5
  • Enrolled in a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester at CMU

Application Requirements

The following submissions are required to be considered for the Academic Merit Award

  1. 500 word, double spaced essay on your chose topic (below). This can be uploaded through your application portal.
    1. Educating for peace/justice: CMU is a learning community committed to Peace and Justice both in practice and in teaching. In 500 words explain your understanding of Peace and Justice as it relates to your own experience? How do you plan to continue to work towards a deeper understanding and practice of Peace and Justice during your time at CMU?
    2. Learning through thinking and doing: CMU is a learning community that believes it is shaped through theoretical as well as experiential learning (e.g. practica, internships). In 500 words share how an experience you had enhanced your understanding of something you were learning in the classroom? What experiences do you hope will shape your learning and living at CMU?
    3. Generous hospitality…radical dialogue: CMU is a learning community that explores different dimensions of the Christian faith, our world, and life in it. Our invitational community encourages open and respectful interaction among individuals, groups, and organizations with different cultural backgrounds and worldviews. In 500 words, describe your understanding of what it means to explore dialogue within such diversity and why diverse dialogue is important? How do you imagine your participation in such a diverse community? How might this bring hope for our world?
  2. A nomination form you've requested someone to complete. This will be automatically sent to your nominator at the time of form completion.

Scholarship Applications and supporting materials must be submitted by February 28 to be eligible. The Scholarship Application is available to CMU applicants on their application portal.

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