CMU Distinguished Alumni Awards
Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have studied at, and graduated from, CMU, MBBC/Concord College, and CMBC. They have gone on to serve their churches, communities and the world in a variety of important and significant ways. CMU wants to celebrate and honour them through the CMU Distinguished Alumni Award.
The goal of the award is to celebrate alumni who, through their lives, embody CMU's values and mission of "service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society."
Previous Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients
- Randy Klassen (MBBC, '84)
- Eileen Klassen Hamm (CMBC, '86)
- Donna Kampen Entz (CMBC, '86)
- Jeffrey Metcalfe (CMU, '09)
- Leonard Ratzlaff (MBBC '70)
- Brian Dyck (CMBC '83)
- Christine Ens (CMBC '96)
- Heather Unger (Concord '02)
- Henry Neufeld (CMBC '52)
- Ken Esau (MBBC '83)
- Joanne Thiessen Martens (CMBC '96)
- John Longhurst (MBBC '79)
- Peter Guenther (CMBC '69)
- Adrienne Wiebe (MBBC '78)
- Ron Toews (MBBC '84)
- Brad Leitch (CMU '13)
- Larry Plenert (CMBC '78)
- Cheryl Woelk (CMU '03)
- Gerry Dyck (MBBC '82)
- Arno and Lena Fast (MBBC '55)
- Kathy Bergen (CMBC '72)
- John Neufeld (CMBC '95)
- Lorlie Barkman (MBBC '90)
- Odette Mukole (CMU '07)
- John Siebert (MBBC '77-'79)
- Leonard Doell (CMBC '75-'76)
- Robin (CMU '03) and Zachary (CMU '04) Heppner Entz
- Carol Penner (CBC '81)
- Distinguished Community Service Award: MCC Thrift Shop founders Selma Loewen, Sara Stoesz, Susan Giesbrecht, and Linie Friesen
- William (Bill) Janzen (CMBC '66-'67)
- Bonita Sawatzky (CMBC '81-'82)
- Patrice Nagant (CMU '01)
- Sarah Klassen (MBBC '62)
- Distinguished Community Service Award: Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company, owners Paul and Tabitha Langel and Lyle and Kathy Barkman
- Lois Coleman Neufeld (MBBC '80)
- Judith Klassen (CMBC '97)
- David Loewen (MBBC '61)
- Robert John Wedel (CMBC '69)
- Distinguished Community Serivce Award: Ray Dirks
- Sarah Buhler (CMBC '96)
- Karen Heidebrecht Thiessen (MBBC '87)
- Harold Jantz (MBBC '60)
- James Reimer (CMBC '63)
- William (Bill) Kruger (CMBC '55)
- Kim Thiessen (CMBC '85-'87)
- William Fast (MBBC '55-'56)
- Trudy Schroeder (MBBC '77-'80)
- Gary Harder (CMBC '65)
- Joyce Schimpky (MBBC '66)
- Dave Dyck (MBBC '62-'66)
- Esther Patkau (CMBC '50)
- Hedy Sawadsky (CMBC '53)
- Dr. Paul Peters (CMBC '51)
- Dr. Henry Schmidt (MBBC '64)
- Addison Klassen (MBBC '63-'65)