Programs & Courses
Academic Calendar
Major in Biblical and Theological Studies within the Bachelor of Arts 
Both the three-year and the four-year Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS) provide a breadth of exposure to the humanities, sciences, and social sciences, and significant depth in BTS. These degrees prepare students well for any area of employment or vocation with valuable skills—communication, writing, analytical, critical thinking, and organizing. A three- or a four-year BA in BTS also serves as a sound basis for launching into professional studies such as social work, law, and so on.
Major in Biblical and Theological Studies within the 4-year Bachelor of Arts 
A four-year major will give the added advantage of at least six more courses in the area of BTS and the opportunity to take more upper-level courses. More general elective space means that the students can readily include a minor or even a second major in another field of interest. Students can complete either a general stream, tailoring courses to their field of interest, or a ministry stream. The four-year BA in BTS can provide the basis from which to apply for admission to Master of Arts programs in BTS or to a Master of Divinity program. The four-year degree is becoming the standard undergraduate expectation across Canada and the USA.
Ministry Arts Stream of the BTS major within the 4-year Bachelor of Arts 
The Ministry Arts stream offers concentrations in missions and service, worship, and youth ministry. This program is geared toward students interested in or currently working in the field of ministry.
Major in Biblical and Theological Studies within the 4-year Honours Bachelor of Arts 
Students enrolled in the Honours program will write a thesis, allowing the student to conduct in depth research on a topic of interest. The student will work one on one with a professor, gain valuable research skills, and publically present the findings. This program is geared towards top students interested in further graduate work.
Minor in Biblical and Theological Studies within the Bachelor of Arts 
The 18-credit-hour BTS requirement within CMU's core curriculum makes up a minor in BTS for any BA program, as long as no courses used to meet the core curriculum requirement are also counted toward the requirements of a major or of a second minor. A minor in BTS is an attractive complement to any major, from Communications and Media to Mathematics to Psychology.
Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies or a Certificate in Anabaptist Studies 
The certificate programs are an advantage to students who have only a short time frame available for studies (eg., one or two years), or to students who can only complete one or two courses per year over a period of years. Students may also choose a certificate program as a short-term objective, after the completion of which they may decide on a longer-term objective such as a three- or four-year BA. Certificate programs in BTS or in Anabaptist Studies will ground students in the Biblical/Christian story, which has power to shape their character, thought, and action in preparation for any vocation.
For a list of current courses and descriptions, please see the Undergraduate Courses & Timetable.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, please see Section I of the Academic Calendar.