Programs & Courses
Academic Calendar
Major in Communications and Media within the Bachelor of Arts 
Both the three-year and the four-year Bachelor of Arts with a major in Communications and Media provide a breadth of exposure to the humanities, sciences, and social sciences, and include significant depth in Communications/Media. These degrees prepare students well for any area of employment with valuable skills—oral communication, writing, technical abilities, organizational skills, and analytical thinking. The three-year program is designed for students who wish to have a strong interdisciplinary basis for further technical training. A three- or four-year BA in Communications and Media also serves as a sound basis for launching into professional careers in organizations that work in creative communications, community development, non-governmental agencies, religious/denominational organizations, social service agencies, and so on.
Major in Communications and Media within the 4-year Bachelor of Arts 
A four-year major is designed for students planning long-term work in creative industries and agencies or further study and research. Students may build upon requirements with courses that either focus on theoretical knowledge or on practical knowledge and skills.
Major in Communications and English within the 4-year Bachelor of Arts 
At CMU, we offer an interdisciplinary program that equips students with professional communication skills for today's job market. Our program emphasizes the importance of strong communication skills, including writing, critical thinking, and presentation skills, while incorporating training in modern media techniques such as audio, video, and graphic design. Through engagement with literature's great writers, such as Homer, Shakespeare, Austen, and Atwood, students learn to think across mediums and skill sets, crafting their own original stories, images, films, and audio recordings. This program provides an invaluable foundation for aspiring communications specialists to succeed in their careers.
Minor in Communications and Media within the Bachelor of Arts 
The minor requires 18 credit hours and can fit alongside a major in any field, whether in the three-year or the four-year Bachelor of Arts. The student is given the opportunity to gain a broad understanding of Communications and Media through the required introductory course, and then may explore a variety of topics, according to their interest. Through a minor in Communications and Media, a student can gain valuable secondary competencies in human communications and media storytelling, applicable in almost any vocation, but especially relevant beside a major in Business, International Development Studies, Peace & Conflict Transformation Studies, or Political Studies.
For a list of current courses and descriptions, please see the Undergraduate Courses & Timetable.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, please see Section I of the Academic Calendar.