Isaac Kuhl-Schlegel he/him
Practicum Coordinator

Isaac works as one of CMU's Practicum Coordinators. As such, his role consists mainly of collaborating with students as they find, complete, and reflect on their practicum placements. Isaac is thrilled to help students develop both the attentiveness needed to listen for callings and the creative agency to choose how they respond.
After completing his own Interdisciplinary Studies Degree at CMU, Isaac moved on to a Master of Theological Studies at the Toronto School of Theology. There, he pursued theological questions through critical engagement with contemporary art, including film and alternative comics. In his current position, Isaac also brings to bear experience in tutoring, mentorship, and roles related to student life. Through both study and work, he has cultivated a passion for building connections between people, and between the varied projects to which people dedicate their lives. He also believes in the importance of narrative, which equips us to find patterns in our lives’ connections and envision our paths forward.
Isaac lives in Winnipeg with his wife Courtney. He enjoys wearing scarves, conversations about art, and filling the margins of whatever book he's currently reading, as if preparing for a test that will never arrive.