Sandy Koop Harder
Vice-President, External

204.487.3300 ext. 668
Sandy Koop Harder is thrilled to a member of the strong administrative team at CMU. Sandy comes to CMU after a 25 year long career in the conflict resolution field where she has been both a mediator/conflict management specialist and an organizational leader. A Chartered Mediator with the ADR Institute of Canada, she also holds a Master of Business Administration with a specialization in leadership.
Sandy also brings a depth of service and leadership engagement within governance and community development work in the church and church-related entities, including Mennonite Central Committee and Hope Mennonite Church.
Sandy is a proud CMU alumna, with a Bachelor of Theology from Canadian Mennonite Bible College (1994), and a major in Conflict Resolution Studies through Menno Simons College (1996).
"I have experienced, very practically and personally, the real impact of a CMU education, as both an alumna and as a parent of a current student," says Sandy. "I know firsthand that CMU is a place that has the power to transform generations of leaders. This both inspires and calls me."
"I love that CMU is a university that understands education isn't only about "knowing"—it's also about "doing" and "being". I'm very excited about playing a role in an academic institution that not only educates for vocation in this very practical sense, but serves as an imagination and action incubator for what is possible in the Church and in the world."