Mennonites and CMU

Mennonites are a diverse group of Christians who understand Jesus Christ as central to their faith and who seek to read the Bible carefully and take it seriously. These commitments form the foundation of emphases on mission and service (being a reconciling presence within our own communities and in places around the world); community (the shared life and witness of the church); peace and reconciliation (resulting in Mennonites' historic opposition to war and actively working to create a more just and peaceful society and world).
Mennonites have historical roots in the Protestant Reformation in Europe in the 16th century, when various Christian believers broke from the state church over a number of issues including a conviction that baptism and church membership should be understood as adult voluntary choices. Those Christians who believed in adult baptism were called Anabaptists—'re-baptizers'. One of the Dutch Anabaptist leaders was Menno Simons, from whom the Mennonites eventually took their name.
As a university 'rooted' within communities that are part of the Mennonite Christian faith tradition CMU welcomes a broad diversity of students who seek to integrate learning and faith.