Student Life

Student Council

Student Council

CMU Student Council (CMUSC) is the student organization that represents all Shaftesbury Campus undergraduate students. Its mandate is to help promote the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, and physical welfare of all members of the student body. CMUSC and its various committees fulfills this mandate by discussing and responding to student issues, setting policies, and providing leadership for a variety of student activities, events, and forums. All CMU students are eligible to serve on Student Council committees. Elections for the Executive, Directors, and most Student Representative positions are held in the winter semester for the following academic year.


CMUSC Constitution 2021/22

CMUSC Student Association Fund Application Form

CMUSC Travel Subsidy Form


CMU Student Council

  • President – chairs all meetings and oversees all aspects of CMUSC.
  • Vice President Advocacy – represents students at various meetings of faculty, staff, and the CMU Board of Governors together with the Menno Simons College student representative as well as performing the duties of the President when he/she is unable to do so.
  • Vice President Activities – responsible for various tasks which involve planning and facilitating student activities and events. The VP Activities is also responsible for running CMUSC elections and referendums. Also sits on Community Council.
  • Vice President Operations – responsible for all financial accounts and business ventures (Blaurock Café) of CMUSC.
  • Vice President Communications – takes and posts minutes of meetings and forums. Responsible for keeping students informed of events and other student council related information. Also chairs the Communications Committee.
  • Arts and Entertainment – educate, promote, and organize activities for the student body in the areas of the fine and performing arts.
  • Faith in Life – develop and implement activities that will nurture Christian character and community at CMU; rep on the Chapel Planning Committee.
  • International Student Committee – raises awareness of the presence of the international community on campus and the issues that these students might face at CMU.
  • Peace and Sustainability – plan and promote activities, which draw students into dialogue, action, reflection, and prayer on issues of peace, social and environmental concerns.
  • DOXA Editors – promotes and publishes student writing, art, and other student-generated publications; maintains the Wittenberg Door (a public avenue for students to voice opinions and concerns).
  • Sports and Recreation – plans and promotes activities, which draw students into healthy, active lifestyles and which allow for fellowship and fun; rep on Athletics Committee.
  • Wittenberg Radio – produces a regular internet broadcast to discuss community issues.
  • First-year student representatives – represent the interests of first-year students.

Blaurock Café

The Blaurock Café is owned by CMUSC and managed by a team of students chosen and affirmed by CMUSC. The management team includes a Finance Manager in charge of keeping the café fiscally on track, a Human Resource Manager in charge of overseeing volunteer baristas, an Operations Manager in charge of keeping the Blaurock ship-shape and running smoothly, and a Marketing Manager in charge of product advertising. Completing the team are the dozens of volunteers who pick up shifts each week to keep North Side cozy and caffeinated. Watch for volunteer sign-up sheets at the beginning of each semester!

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