Undergraduate Studies

Menno Simons College

Menno Simons College Blog

Jordan Ewart
Jordan Ewart

Transformation: An MSC Grad Reflection

by Jordan Ewart (IDS '18)

Four years ago, I was swept up by the Saskatchewan prairie winds and found myself in Manitoba to pursue International Development Studies (IDS) at Menno Simons College (MSC).

I came to MSC curious to learn about the world. I wanted a career that incorporated travel and figured this would be the right degree for me. Little did I know, my MSC experience would transform me as a person.

At MSC, more than ever before in my life, I discovered who I am and what type of footprint I want to leave behind in the world.

The amazing IDS faculty push boundaries in the field, and help students understand why the world is the way it is, while exploring solutions. They guided my learning, teaching me the fundamentals of "doing development" and challenged me to think outside the box.

MSC inspires transformational community. Students learn together, study together, and encourage each other, pushing us to challenge ourselves as we learn. Whether an MSC Student Association event like Common Unity, or a lunchtime guest speaker, MSC always has a way for students to get involved.

This place has pushed me to speak up, to advocate for what I believe is right, and to chase my dreams. And starting in May 2018, I will take my passion for development and put it to work in Tanzania for three-months. It is time to show the world what a Menno Simons College IDS degree can do.


Jordan Ewart graduates this month with a degree in International Development Studies. He was Communications Coordinator for the MSC Student Association in the 2017-18 school year, and is headed to Tanzania for a 3 month internship.

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