Canadian Mennonite University


Tuition Cost

Total cost for the program before financial aid and/or employer assistance is approximately $36,000 CDN. The Canadian dollar conversion rate will be determined in July, based on exchange rates at that time. This conversion rate will applied for the full length of the 22-month program.

Tuition includes:

Tuition does not include:

Tuition Refund Policy

Students who withdraw during any period of enrollment and follow the approved withdrawal procedures will receive refunds for instructional fees according to the following schedule:

If a refund amount is owed to the student, but the student has outstanding institutional charges or if the student owes a repayment of a cash disbursement for non-institutional costs, the school will automatically apply the refund amount to those charges or repayment. The school will also notify the student in writing if either situation has occurred.

Financial Aid

Graduate Awards - Bursaries
All students enrolled in the collaborative MBA program through CMU are eligible to apply for a bursary ($1,000/semester). Admitted students with a CMU email address will apply through their CMU populi student portal using the CMU Graduate Award - The Collaborative Master of Business Administration Application form. The application deadline is May 31. If you have questions, please contact CMU Financial Aid at

Employer Assistance
An increasing number of employers provide educational assistance benefits to their employees. Students should check to see if their employer provides educational assistance. Students will need to notify their school's financial aid office of any employer assistance that they receive.

Tuition Tax Credits
Canadian students that enroll through CMU will pay all fees through CMU, and will receive in February the form T2202 (Tuition, Education, and Textbook Amounts Certificate) that can be used to claim federal and provincial non-refundable tax credits.

Each province uses different tax rates and the amount of credits you can claim based on your T2202 varies by province; prospective students should check their provincial tax forms to find out what amounts they would be able to claim.

Government Student Aid
Canadian students are eligible to apply for goverment student aid. Student aid applications open in June for the fall and winter semesters. You must apply to the province of your permanent residence. Go to and follow the link to your province.

For more information, contact

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