We're convinced that context matters! CMU is committed to theological leadership training and pastoral formation in Canada for a global church, and to preparing individuals along a wide range of vocational paths including counselling, chaplaincy, scholarship, and teaching. Opening students to active engagement in the world through Canadian ministry and mission settings is vital for leadership formation. Canadian churches are confronting opportunities and challenges related to inter-faith relationships and evangelism, indigenous reconciliation, immigration and refugees, economic disparity and the impact of an increasingly secular society—alongside significantly changed institutional and denominational structures. It's important that we prepare thoughtful and entrepreneurial leaders with foundational Biblical and Theological tools to engage these unique realities.
Being formed within a Christian university setting matters. Theological education touches every dimension of reality and engaging the various disciplines is a key aspect of our task. Indeed, the church needs leaders with integrative insight and wisdom as they encounter the complexities and opportunities of life and ministry. Theological education on a university campus opens unique possibilities for inter-disciplinary learning in the arts, humanities, and sciences and which deepen theological reflection and ministry engagement. Students in the GSTM have access to graduate courses offered through other CMU programs including the MA in Peace and Collaborative Development (cmu.ca/mapcd) and the Canadian School of Peacebuilding (csop.cmu.ca).
CMU's commitment to undergraduate Biblical Studies and Theological formation also provides a significant gift to the church. All CMU undergraduate students incorporate Biblical and Theological studies regardless of their program major or focus. Altogether, this is a university community committed to learning and living with faith.
Theological Learning for Diverse Vocational Paths: Studying here is for theologians and pastors, and also for doctors, teachers, business persons and lay-leaders; for those transitioning into ministry from other vocational paths; and for diverse, curious, questioning, faith-seekers. The GSTM is committed to in-depth Biblical and Theological engagement for the whole people of God. This is a place in which Christians pursuing many life-paths can discern vocational clarity and a role within the church and society.
Pastoral Leadership Formation: Through programs, courses and guided pastoral formation the GSTM is committed particularly to students exploring a call to formal pastoral ministry. Opening students to real life, practical ministry realities is critical. Annually the GSTM offers 6-8 courses addressing essential pastoral formation skills and aptitudes.
Centre for Faith and Life: Student experience in GSTM courses is also enriched through the CMU Centre for Faith and Life, which offers a number of resources, including conferences and workshops, for pastors and ministry leaders. Go to cmu.ca/cfl for information.
CMU is a university rooted within Anabaptist Christian faith commitments and welcomes a broad diversity of students seeking to integrate learning and faith.
Students in the GSTM are comprised of various streams of the Mennonite-Anabaptist family studying together with students from evangelical, non-denominational and mainline church traditions. This variety of students stimulates class discussions, challenges thinking and exposes students to a breadth of cross-cultural and denominational understandings and perspectives.
Students in the GSTM learn from and form relationships with respected academics who bring significant teaching experience, scholarship and publishing, and broad experience in the church and its mission in Canada and Internationally. The GSTM is served by 10 Biblical and Theological Studies faculty with specializations in Bible, History of Christianity, Theology and Ethics, Spirituality, and Ministry Studies.
Go to cmu.ca/graduate-studies/gstm/faculty to learn more about our faculty, their ministry engagement, and their scholarship and publishing.
Mentoring and support: Students come to graduate education with various educational histories and a wide range of vocational and personal goals. Every student is assigned a faculty advisor to work with in designing a program that helps them fulfil her or his educational objectives.
Degrees and Concentrations: Teaching within the GSTM is rigorous and stimulating. Each GSTM program orients formation within a Christian-Anabaptist context as students seek to invigorate the traditions they represent. All of the academic programs are flexible, allowing students to give attention to their interests and professional pursuits. Students may choose from the following two MA concentrations and one Certificate program for in-depth Biblical and Theological engagement.
You may be enrolled in any one of the graduate programs through either full or part time study, and even if you cannot move to Winnipeg, GSTM programming is available through a unique combination of on-site, distance (livestream), and intensive courses.
Please see the Graduate Courses & Timetable for a list of upcoming courses.
CMU is committed to a quality learning experience at an affordable tuition cost. Students should be aware that the average seminary domestic tuition cost in Canada is nearly $1,400 for each 3 credit hour course (calculated using 2020/21 tuition from six leading Canadian seminaries). CMU's 2022/23 Graduate tuition is more than 40% less than this average, with GSTM domestic tuition for 2022-23 being $796 for each 3 credit hour course.
In addition GSTM students should check out a generous package of bursaries and scholarships intended to support their studies.
Visit cmu.ca/graduate-studies/scholarships for more financial aid information.
If you're curious and want to know more, contact Valerie Smith, Associate Registrar for Graduate Studies (vsmith
Printed from: www.cmu.ca/graduate-studies/gstm/why-study