This concentration is designed to prepare students for ministry and leadership in the church and church related organizations. Through biblical, historical, theological, and ministry studies as well as a placement in supervised field education, students are given an opportunity to prepare for a wide range of ministry options.
Admission Requirements
A baccalaureate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’)
Advanced Standing
Students may be eligible for advanced standing if they have completed a four-year Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biblical and Theological Studies (or its equivalent) or courses at the graduate level. The amount of advanced standing is limited by the residency requirement.
Residency Requirement
30 credit hours at CMU
Curriculum Requirements
A minimum of 60 credit hours
Distribution requirements—45-48 credit hours
Bible—12 credit hours
Theology and History of Christianity—12 credit hours
Practical Theology—12 credit hours
Ministry Formation—9-12 hours, including:
BTS-5330 Foundations for Christrian Ministry
BTS-5340 Ministry Discernment Process
One of the following two track options:
Option for Supervised Ministry Experience—6-9 credit hours, including:
BTS-5910 Supervised Ministry Experience OR
BTS-5920 Supervised Ministry Experience
Option for Field Research—9 credit hours including:
BTS-5900 Research and Methodology
BTS-6020 Field Research Project or Thesis
Electives—as required to reach a total of 60 credit hours
Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’) to remain in the program.
Courses offered by CMU faculty or by instructors visiting at CMU, whether on campus or online, will count toward the residency requirement. Courses taken by CMU/MBBS students from MBBS to meet the MB requirements of their programs will also count toward the residency requirement, to a maximum of nine credit hours.
Students who have at least five years of relevant ministry experience may propose to embark on a Field Research Project or Thesis. Students who wish to choose this option must submit a proposal by April 30, one year before the student expects to graduate. Acceptance of the proposal will depend on the following criteria: (i) the strength of the proposal, (ii) the student’s overall academic performance, and (iii) the availability of a faculty member to serve as thesis advisor. Information regarding procedures for thesis writing can be obtained from the Director of Graduate Studies.
Students may include up to 6 credit hours of introductory biblical languages within the electives of the major from the following list:
LANG-5200 Elementary Biblical Hebrew I
LANG-5210 Elementary Biblical Hebrew II
LANG-5230 Elementary Biblical Greek I
LANG-5240 Elementary Biblical Greek II
Students may take up to 12 credit hours of field education provided that there is some variation in the location and type of field placement. At least 6 credit hours of field education must be taken in residence at CMU. Students may take up to 6 credit hours of field education through another organization with a Letter of Permission. Programs outside of CMU will be evaluated on the basis of the nature of instruction, ministry experience, and supervision.