CMU Study Room Policy
- Study rooms are for individual or group study (up to thre students). The seminar room should be used for group study for up to four people.
- Study and seminar rooms are for quiet discussion. Students using them for other purposes will be asked to leave.
- Students may book a study room or the seminar room for 30 minutes to two hours at a time. If, on the day of the booking, there is no other booking for the immediately following time slot, they may stay longer, but they must then write their name on the booking sheet posted for that day.
- Students may claim an empty time slot on a "first come, first served" basis by writing their names on the daily-posted booking schedule. Occupying a room without signing in entitles other students needing the space to ask them to leave.
- No-show rule: If 15 minutes pass and students have not shown up for their time slot, the room will be available to others.
- Rooms must be left in good condition.
Disputes and complaints should be referred to library staff at the circulation desk or to the Director of Student Life.