Resources: New Books: December 2023
A list (in Library of Congress call number order) of some of the books added to the CMU Library recently.
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- B 819 C36 C76 2012.
Crowell, Steven Galt. The Cambridge companion to existentialism. Cambridge University Press, 2012. - B 988 I3 M49 2011.
Meynell, Robert. Canadian idealism and the philosophy of freedom: C. B. Macpherson, George Grant, and Charles Taylor. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011. - B 2430 R53 H47 2013.
Ricœur, Paul, and David Pellauer. Hermeneutics. Polity Press, 2013. - BD 161 D74 R48 2015.
Dreyfus, Hubert L., and Charles Taylor. Retrieving Realism. Harvard University Press, 2015. - BD 241 T45 W49 2019.
Thiselton, Anthony C. Why Hermeneutics? An appeal culminating with Ricoeur. Cascade Books, 2019. - BD 435 D86 J87 2013.
Dworkin, Ronald. Justice for hedgehogs. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013. - BJ 1285.2 E37 2023.
Eisen, Robert. Jews, Judaism, and success: how religion paved the way to modern Jewish achievement. University of Toronto Press, 2023. - BJ 1401 N45 E95 2015.
Neiman, Susan. Evil in modern thought: an alternative history of philosophy. First Princeton Classic edition. Princeton University Press, 2015. - BJ 1451 Y68 R47 2013.
Young, Iris Marion. Responsibility for Justice. 1st Oxford University Press pbk. Oxford University Press, 2013. - BL 65 E36 N48 2023.
Neufeld, Josiah. The Temple at the end of the universe: a search for spirituality in the Anthropocene. Anansi, 2023. - BL 65 W2 B45 2011.
Denton, Peter H. Believers in the battlespace: religion, ideology and war. Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2011. - BL 98.5 P69 B88 2011.
Butler, Judith, et al. The Power of religion in the public sphere. Columbia University Press, 2011. - BL 2530.C2 H36 2023.
Hanowski, Elliot. Towards a godless dominion: unbelief in interwar Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023. - BP 172 G75 T46 2019.
Griswold, Eliza.
The Tenth parallel: dispatches from the fault line between Christianity and Islam. Second Picador edition. Picador, 2019. - BR 100 D53 2022.
Dickinson, Travis, and Paul Copan. Logic and the way of Jesus: thinking critically and Christianly. B&H Academic, 2022. - BR 115.C8 C7575 2022.
Crossan, John Dominic. Render unto Caesar: the struggle over Christ and culture in the New Testament. First edition. HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2022. - BR 570 C54 N49 2022.
Clemenger, Bruce J. The new orthodoxy: Canada’s emerging "civil religion". Castle Quay Books, 2022. - BS 480 W365 2022.
Watkin, Christopher, and Timothy Keller. Biblical Critical Theory: how the Bible’s unfolding story makes sense of modern life and culture. Zondervan Academic, 2022. - BS 680.V55 L955 2023.
Lynch, Matthew, and Helen Paynter. Flood and fury: Old Testament violence and the Shalom of God. IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, 2023. - BS 1475.6.T5 S65 2022.
Smith, James K. A. How to inhabit time: understanding the past, facing the future, living faithfully now. Brazos Press, 2022. - BS 2331 S44 2022.
Sechrest, Love L. Race & Rhyme: rereading the New Testament. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2022. - BS 2615.52 S383 2022.
Schuchard, Bruce G. The Word from the beginning: the person and work of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Lexham Academic, 2022. - BS 2625.53 K87 2013.
Kurz, William S. Acts of the Apostles. Baker Academic, 2013. - BT 21.3 B49 2011.
De La Torre, Miguel A. and Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas. Beyond the pale: reading theology from the margins. 1st ed. Westminster John Knox Press, 2011. - BT 83.55 M37 2022.
Marga, Amy E. In the Image of her: recovering motherhood in the Christian tradition. Baylor University Press, 2022. - BT 198 B57 J47 2022.
Bird, Michael F. Jesus among the gods: early Christology in the Greco-Roman world. Baylor University Press, 2022. - BT 695 R625 2023.
Robinette, Brian DuWayne. The Difference nothing makes: creation, Christ, contemplation. University of Notre Dame Press, 2023. - BT 695.5 H38 C68 2022.
Haverluck, Bob. The Court case of the creatures. Racka Tacka Sacka Press, 2022. - BT 734.2 M67 B48 2019.
Morrison, LaTasha, Daniel Hill, and Jennie Allen. Be the bridge: pursuing God’s heart for racial reconciliation. First Edition. WaterBrook, 2019. - BT 767 W555 2022.
Wilson, Jessica Hooten, and Lauren F. Winner. The Scandal of holiness: renewing your imagination in the company of literary saints. Brazos Press, 2022. - BV 652.25 C67 I77 2011.
Cordeiro, Wayne. The Irresistible church: 12 traits of a church people love to attend. Bethany House, 2011. - BV 4501.3 J64 L43 2012. Johnson, David Lawther. Learning from my father: lessons on life and faith. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012.
- BV 4501.3 S23 E46 2014.
Scazzero, Peter. Emotionally healthy spirituality: it’s impossible to be spiritually mature, while remaining emotionally immature. Zondervan, 2014. - CB 204 F54 E97 2019.
Figes, Orlando. The Europeans: three lives and the making of a cosmopolitan culture. First U.S. edition. Metropolitan Books, 2019. - D 13.2 H68 G74 2016.
Green, Anna, and Kathleen Troup. The Houses of history: a critical reader in history and theory. Second edition. Manchester University Press, 2016. - D 511 P38 G74 2016.
Pauwels, Jacques R. The Great class war 1914-1918. James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers, 2016. - D 524.7 E97 G44 2015.
Gehrhardt, Marjorie. The Men with broken faces: gueules cassées of the First World War. Peter Lang, 2015. - D 810 S7 N45 2012.
Neitzel, Sönke, Harald Welzer, and Jefferson S. Chase. Soldaten: on fighting, killing, and dying: the secret World War II transcripts of German POWs. 1st American ed. Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. - D 810.P7 S65446 2023.
Philps, Alan. The red hotel: the untold story of Stalin’s disinformation war. Headline, 2023. - DD 247 H5 R36 2016.
Range, Peter Ross. 1924: the year that made Hitler. First edition. Little, Brown and Company, 2016. - DK 510.766.P87 Y34 2020.
Yaffa, Joshua. Between two fires: truth, ambition, and compromise in Putin’s Russia. First edition. Tim Duggan Books, 2020. - E 78 M25 P48 2011.
Pettipas, Leo. Uncovering early Aboriginal history in southern Manitoba. Enbridge Pipelines Inc., 2011. - E 78.C2 A44 2023.
Alfred, Taiaiake, Ann Rogers, and Pamela D. Palmater. It’s all about the land: collected talks and interviews on Indigenous resurgence. Aevo UTP, 2023. - E 78.C2 C37 2021.
Carlson-Manathara, Elizabeth, Gladys Rowe, Aimée Craft, Leona Star, and Dawnis Kennedy. Living in Indigenous sovereignty. Fernwood Publishing, 2021. - E 92 M357 2017.
Manuel, Arthur, and Ronald M. Derrickson. The Reconciliation manifesto: recovering the land, rebuilding the economy. James Lorimer and Company Ltd., Publishers, 2017. - E 96.5 R43 R64 2014.
Rogers, Shelagh, Mike Degagné, Glen Lowry, and Sara Fryer. Reconciliation & the way forward. Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2014. - HB 501 F73 C37 2018.
Fraser, Nancy, Rahel Jaeggi, and Brian Milstein. Capitalism: a conversation in critical theory. Polity, 2018. - HC 60 C37 D48 2013.
Carothers, Thomas. Development aid confronts politics: the almost revolution. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013. - HF 5549.5.R23 H65 2023.
Hollins, Caprice D. Inside Out: the equity leader’s guide to undoing institutional racism. New Society Publishers, 2023. - HJ 1449 C73 G68 2015.
Craig, Colin. The Government wears Prada: why taxes will keep rising and what Canadians can do about it. Colin Craig, 2015. - HM 671 N87 C74 2013.
Nussbaum, Martha C. Creating Capabilities: the human development approach. First Harvard University Press paperback edition. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013. - HM 1116 B88 F73 2016.
Butler, Judith. Frames of War: when is life grievable? Verso, 2016. - HN 385 L37 W67 2021.
Laslett, Peter. The world we have lost. Routledge, 2021. - HT 221 D86 G44 2016.
Duneier, Mitchell. Ghetto: the invention of a place, the history of an idea. First edition. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016. - HV 40 M85 2019.
Mullaly, Bob, and Marilyn Dupré. The New structural social work: ideology, theory, and practice. Fourth edition. Oxford University Press, 2019. - HV 245 D65 2018.
Dominelli, Lena. Anti-racist social work. Fourth edition. Palgrave, 2018. - HV 1568 D57 A76 2020.
Arneil, Barbara, and Nancy J. Hirschmann. Disability and political theory. First paperback edition. Cambridge University Press, 2020. - HV 1568 T74 F68 2017.
Tremain, Shelley. Foucault and feminist philosophy of disability. University of Michigan Press, 2017. - HV 1568.2 P83 R54 2017.
Puar, Jasbir K. The Right to maim: debility, capacity, disability. Duke University Press, 2017. - HV 3176 D43 2016.
Gray, Mel, John Coates, Michael Yellow Bird, and Tiani Hetherington. Decolonizing social work. Routledge, 2016. - HV 6275 R6737 2023.
Rothschild, Mike. Jewish space lasers: the Rothschilds and 200 years of conspiracy theories. Melville House, 2023. - HV 6515 G47 2022.
Gilligan, James, and David A. J. Richards. Holding a mirror up to nature: shame, guilt, and violence in Shakespeare. 1 Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2022. - HX 843.7 L37 A3 2016.
Larsen, Sonja. Red star tattoo: my life as a girl revolutionary. Random House Canada, 2016. - JC 385 K36 K56 1997.
Kantorowicz, Ernst H., and Conrad Leyser. The King’s two bodies: a study in mediaeval political theology. First Princeton classics edition. Princeton University Press, 2016. - JC 423 B86 I58 2019.
Brown, Wendy. In the ruins of neoliberalism: the rise of antidemocratic politics in the West. Columbia University Press, 2019. - JC 423 M33 D46 2012.
Macpherson, C. B. Democratic theory: essays in retrieval. Oxford University Press Canada, 2012. - JC 423 M33 L54 2012.
Macpherson, C. B. The Life and times of liberal democracy. [New ed.]. OUP Canada, 2012. - JC 574.2 U6 H43 2011.
Hedges, Chris. Death of the liberal class. Vintage Canada, 2011. - JC 578 S46 I34 2011.
Sen, Amartya. The Idea of justice. 1st Harvard University Press pbk. ed. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011. - JK 1726 N87 M66 2018.
Nussbaum, Martha C. The Monarchy of fear: a philosopher looks at our political crisis. First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. Simon & Schuster, 2018. - JZ 5584.C7 L44 2023.
Lederach, Angela Jill. Feel the grass grow: ecologies of slow peace in Colombia. Stanford University Press, 2023. - K 3256 B88 N68 2018.
Butler, Judith. Notes toward a performative theory of assembly. First Harvard University Press paperback edition. Harvard University Press, 2018. - K 460 F56 N38 2011.
Finnis, John. Natural law and natural rights. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2011. - KID 13 1871 C73 2013.
Craft, Aimee. Breathing life into the Stone Fort Treaty: an Anishinabe understanding of Treaty One. Purich Pub., 2013. - LB 880 F73 P43 2018.
Freire, Paulo, Myra Ramos, Macedo Bergman, P. Donaldo, and Ira Shor. Pedagogy of the oppressed. 50th anniversary edition. Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. - ML 205.8 W5645 2021.
Einarson, John. Heart of gold: a history of Winnipeg music. Manitoba Music Experience: Shakin’ All Over Publications, 2021. - P 95.54 B87 D57 2013.
Butler, Judith, and Athena Athanasiou. Dispossession: the performative in the political: conversations with Athena Athanasiou. Polity Press, 2013. - P 107 T39 L36 2016.
Taylor, Charles. The Language animal: the full shape of the human linguistic capacity. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016. - PN 45 G37 U84 2011.
Garber, Marjorie B. The Use and abuse of literature. 1st ed. Pantheon Books, 2011. - PN 56 S744 B46 2017.
Bennett, Andrew. Suicide Century: literature and suicide from James Joyce to David Foster Wallace. Cambridge University Press, 2017. - PN 4913.S76 A3 2023.
Sterritt, Angela. Unbroken: my fight for survival, hope, and justice for Indigenous women and girls. Greystone Books, 2023. - PR 6051 D36 P53 2016.
Adams, Richard. The Plague Dogs: a novel. First Vintage Books edition. Vintage Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, 2016. - PR 9199.3.H472 Z46 2021.
Highway, Tomson. Permanent Astonishment. Doubleday Canada, 2021. - PS 374.F45 G55 2022.
Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. Still Mad: American women writers and the feminist imagination, 1950-2020. W.W. Norton & Company, 2022. - PS 3565.L5 A6 2017.
Oliver, Mary. Devotions: the selected poems of Mary Oliver. Penguin Press, 2017. - PS 3568 O85 Z834 2011.
Shostak, Debra B. Philip Roth: American pastoral, the human stain, the plot against America. Continuum, 2011. - PS 3603 U46 A44 2020.
Cummins, Jeanine. American Dirt. First U.S. edition. Flatiron Books, 2020. - PS 3619 I84 A6 2018.
Sittenfeld, Curtis. You think it, I’ll say it: stories. First edition. Random House, an imprint and division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York, 2018. - R 726 E54 I54 2021.
Engelhart, Katie. The Inevitable: dispatches on the right to die. First edition. St. Martin’s Press, 2021. - R 726.8 G39 B45 2017.
Gawande, Atul, and Amy Clements. Being Mortal: medicine and what matters in the end. First Picador edition. Picador, Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2017. - U 21.2 W35 J87 2015.
Walzer, Michael. Just and unjust wars: a moral argument with historical illustrations. Fifth edition. Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, 2015. - Z 286.R4 P76 2023.
Prothero, Stephen R. God the Bestseller: how one editor transformed American religion a book at a time. First edition. HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2023.