Canadian Mennonite University

Mackenzie Nicolle

Residence Director

Mackenzie Nicolle

Department(s)Student Life

Phone204.487.3300 ext. 378


Mackenzie spends her days as the Residence Director at CMU. Between making sure that toilets aren't overflowing, unlocking the appropriate doors and writing emails, Mackenzie does what she enjoys most which is interacting with students. From planning events with the Residence Assistants, to engaging in fascinating conversations with first years over thai chicken soup in the cafeteria, to answering questions about academics and the meaning of the universe, life in residence is never dull. Helping to cultivate intentional communities is something Mackenzie is very passionate about, and CMU is a excellent place to do that. 

Mackenzie grew up in small town Saskatchewan, surrounded by live theatre and canola fields. When she wasn't running from choir practice to walk her dog, she was voraciously reading whatever book she could get her hands on. Her family frequently travelled, both across Canada and other continents, which made Outtatown South Africa a logical leap for a post-highschool adventure. Several years of essay writing and existential questions commenced, resulting in Mackenzie graduating from CMU in 2019 with a Social Science degree and minors in BTS and Communications. Mackenzie loves to ask thought-provoking questions, explore the multitude of icecreameries in Winnipeg, and wander in the forest.

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