Below is a list of all events that are a part of CMU's 25th Anniversary.
Featuring David Fitch (PhD), a long-time pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary.
CMU Campus
February 10–11
From 1525 to 2025, Anabaptists have taken a very personal and community-oriented approach to their embrace of the scriptures. This evening’s conversation will investigate the ways the Bible shaped the 16th century Anabaptist movement at its inception and continues to uniquely define the Anabaptist tradition today. We will also celebrate the Canadian launch of the Anabaptist Community Bible.
Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.) & livestream
February 27 7:00 PM
Featuring finalists Jacob Kenny, Julia Norris, Allison Ong, Shanley Vogan, and Stefanie Zacharias.
Laudamus Auditorium
March 20 7:00 PM
An evening for CMU alumni and their families to enjoy taco salad and trivia. More details to come.
Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
April 10 5:00 PM
A celebratory event featuring graduating student presentations and CMU choirs. All are welcome; reception to follow.
Loewen Athletic Centre & via livestream
April 25 7:00 PM
Bethel Mennonite Church
April 26 2:30 PM
Enjoy a a day of golf at the scenic Bridges Golf Course with the CMU community, in support of our student athletes bursary program.
Bridges Golf Course
June 11 12:00–7:00 PM
Words at Work and Play—an international conference regarding any form of Mennonite literature.
CMU Campus
June 13–15
A fundraising garden party for alumni and supporters! Join us in the dappled sunlight of the north campus lawn for food, garden games, and laughter as you are serenaded and inspired by CMU talent.
500 Shaftesbury Blvd.
June 18 6:00 PM
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