Canadian Mennonite University

Counselling Services

University students face many challenges and at times may benefit from having a trained professional to talk to. There are qualified counsellors who volunteer their services free of charge to students on the CMU campus. Students wishing to book an appointment with a counsellor are asked to contact the north side receptionist at 204-487-3300. Confidentiality is maintained at all times. For further information or assistance, please contact the Student Life staff.

Other professional counselling services available in Winnipeg with reduced rates for students include:

Recovery of Hope
Phone: 204-477-4673; Toll-Free: 1-866-493-6202
Location: 102-900 Harrow St. (in Assiniboine Credit Union building)
Cost: Up to $110 per session (price is dependent on household income and you may qualify for a reduced fee)

24 Hour Crisis Line (Klinic)
Counselling service & crisis/suicide intervention
Drop-in line: 204-784-4067
Sexual assault crisis line: 204-786-8631
Crisis Line: 204-786-8686

Manitoba 24-Hour Suicide Line
Phone: 1-877-435-7170

University of Manitoba Counselling Services
General Office: 204-474-8592
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Location: U of M Student Counselling Centre, Fort Garry Campus
Free for students taking courses at U of M
U of M student card required, drop-in sessions available

University of Winnipeg Counselling Services
Phone: 204-258-3809
Location: First floor, Duckworth Centre
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (except holidays)
Free for students taking courses at U of W (U of W student card required)


Medical Resources

Misericordia Health Links
Phone: 204-788-8200 in Winnipeg
No charge telephone health advice. Speak with a Registered Nurse about your health concerns.

Family Doctor Finder
Phone: 204-786-7111
Call to be connected to a family physician who is taking on new patients in your area.

Mental Health Crisis Response Centre
Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. A walk-in centre at 817 Bannatyne Ave. Visit the website for more information.

WRHA Mobile Crisis Service
This service provides telephone consults and support and community visits for mental health crisis. Specializes as well in suicide prevention.
Phone: 204-940-1781



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