Canadian Mennonite University

What Will I Study?

Fantastic diversity of courses and faculty

Each year students majoring in Peace & Conflict Transformation Studies (PACTS) can choose courses for their major from about 38 courses offered by 25 faculty on this campus! PACTS majors can also take additional courses in the field at Menno Simons College, CMU's campus at the University of Winnipeg.

Option to go on international learning tours as part of your courses

Learn and about peace and conflict in the Philippines, Middle East, South Africa, or Guatemala by accompanying our faculty on travel courses or by signing up for one of CMU's Outattown programs.

Each June the world comes to our campus

Take courses in June through the Canadian School of Peacebuilding. Come each June to learn with other peacebuilders—local and international, young and old, students, practitioners and those new to peacebuilding—at the annual Canadian School of Peacebuilding. 

You can participant in your choice of five-day courses for professional development or academic credit.
Do a Practicum in Peace and Conflict Studies to gain first-hand experience in the field as part of your studies. 

As part of our academic program PACTS students have done practical work experience in places like Communities of Support and Accountability, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Winnipeg Harvest, Open circle, Mennonite Central Committee John Howard Soceity, L’Arche, Community peacework in Mindanao, Sarvodaya Sri Lanka, Mediation Services, and many more.

Learn practical peace skills as part of your degree program

Each student majoring in PACTS needs to take at least 2 peace skills "mini-courses" with topics ranging across a number of different areas like, Dealing with Anger, Mediation Skills, Managing Unresolvable Problems; Us and Them to We; and Coaching for Resolution.

Participate in a wide variety of public engagement events

Each year students have the option to participate in a wide variety of peace related events including: the bi-national C. Henry Smith Oratorical Competition; Mennonite Central Committee United Nations Office Student Seminar in New York; Global Justice Film Festival; MCC Ottawa office student seminar on peacebuilding; the Menno Simons College Social Justice Fair at the University of Winnipeg; Restorative Justice Week Events; Annual Winnipeg Peace and Justice Festival, and the annual Winnipeg Walk for Peace.

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