New Songs for Worship to be held November 2; will also address issue of musical style
WINNIPEG, August 15, 2013 – With so many new songs in so many different styles being written for worship these days, how can worship leaders even begin to sort through them all?
“Some people suggest that more songs have been written for worship since 1970 than were written in the two thousand years prior,” says Christine Longhurst, who teaches at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU).
“We can’t know if that’s true, but it often feels like it. There’s a steady stream of new songs coming at today’s song leaders and worship leaders. It’s tough to keep up.”

Led by Longhurst, a former worship pastor and author of the popular re:Worship blog (, the workshop will also address issues of musical style.
“We’ll look at new music in a wide range of styles—new contemporary hymns, Praise & Worship, and everything in between,” says Longhurst. “The goal is to help leaders find ways to bridge the stylistic gaps that often exist in congregations.”
This year’s workshop will also include a look at the recent resurgence of traditional hymnody.
“Many of today’s contemporary songwriters are drawing from traditional hymn sources for their inspiration,” Longhurst says. “We’ll take time to look at these new trends.”
The workshop is also “a chance to interact with song leaders and worship leaders from other congregations who face similar challenges and opportunities,” she adds.
New Songs for Worship is presented by CMU, with sponsorship from the Mennonite Brethren Church Manitoba, Go Mission!/EMMC, and Mennonite Church Manitoba. Cost of the workshop is $35 ($25 for additional registrants from the same congregation). Students and seniors are $20. For more information, or to register, contact Cori Braun at or 204-487-3300.
A second New Songs for Worship workshop is planned for January 25, 2014 in Winkler, MB.