Held on February 25, A Transformative Moment was a ecumenical gathering of pastors and lay leaders to think creatively with one another about young adult ministry. Discussion considered new ways of understanding young adult faith transitions based on varied experiences with young adults, and reflecting on on ways of talking with young adults about topics like prayer, baptism, Jesus, and sex.
Keynote Speaker: Gil Due
Gil Dueck serves as Program Director at Mennonite Central Committee Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. Previously he spent 12 years at Bethany College in a variety of teaching, mentoring and administrative roles. He is currently in the final stages of doctoral work through the International Baptist Theological Study Centre and the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. His research focuses on a theological and transformational reading of faith development among young adults. He and his wife Shelley live with their three daughters in Hepburn, SK.
Discover how Gil sees unique opportunities for faith growth in the midst of young adult transitions.
Keynote #1:
“At the Edge of the Inside: Young Adults and the Reassessment of Adulthood”
Keynote #2:
“To Know and be Known: Toward a Christ-Shaped Vision of Christian Maturity”