Refreshing Winds, Here in This Place, Worship in Context
Brian McLaren’s plenary sessions on Naked Spirituality
Worship always takes place, some place, some where, at some time, in some location… The theme was inspired by the title of a well-known hymn based on Genesis 28:16-17. It reminds us that God is found in surprising places. “This place” is many places, and any place on our planet, wherever people are open to being surprised by God’s presence. And wherever that place is, we are called to live our faith mindful of the culture in which we are located.
Our goal is to recognize the importance of context and culture in our worship, to explore and understand how our culture impacts us, what culture means in our theology, and how worship is embodied in location.
Keynote Speaker: Brian McLaren
An author, storyteller and theologian. Primarily known as a thinker and a writer. His public speaking covers a broad range of topics including postmodern thought and culture, Biblical studies, evangelism, leadership, global mission, spiritual formation, worship, pastoral survival and burnout, inter-religious dialogue, ecology, and social justice.
McLaren’s topic for Refreshing Winds was ‘Naked Spirituality,’ also the title of his next book. He suggested that personal spirituality typically develops in a cycle containing four stages – simplicity, complexity, perplexity, and harmony, which becomes the new simplicity as the cycle continues. For each stage, McLaren provided three spiritual practices that he thinks are particularly valuable in our experience of God. To hear Brian’s talks, listen to the audio files, below.
Thursday, February 3, 2011, 7:00pm
Plenary: Brian McLaren, Naked Spirituality, Stage 1: Simplicity
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Friday, February 4, 2011, 9:00am
Plenary: Brian McLaren, Naked Spirituality, Stage 2: Complexity
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Friday, February 4, 2011, 7:00pm
Plenary: Brian McLaren, Naked Spirituality, Stage 3: Perplexity
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Saturday, February 5, 2011, 9:00am
Plenary: Brian McLaren, Naked Spirituality, Stage 4: Harmony
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Saturday, February 5, 2011, 4:00pm
Plenary: Brian McLaren, Naked Spirituality, Part 5: Conclusion
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