General News News Releases

59 Cents Campaign Grows from CSOP

June 30, 2012 – A week ago, a small group of students from Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) and CMU’s Menno Simons College launched a campaign to challenge the federal government’s decision to begin denying supplemental healthcare coverage to refugees on June 30, 2012.

The 59 Cents Campaign for Refugee Healthcare is a politically independent, student-led movement that grew out of a small group assignment in a one week course – “Speaking Out… and Being Heard – Citizen Advocacy” – at CMU’s Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP). Group members Matthew Dueck, Maureen Gathogo (CMU’s Menno Simons College), and Deanna Zantingh were later joined by fellow CMU students Cecilly Hildebrand and Rianna Isaak to help spread the word about the campaign.

“We believe that the recent changes to the Canadian Interim Federal Healthcare Program (IFHP), which supplied refugees with the medical help, are unacceptable,” says project spokesperson Matthew Dueck. “We would like to see this changed, and refugees given the opportunity to receive the healthcare they need.”

“Our assignment was to create an advocacy campaign that could, in theory, be implemented in real life,” says Dueck. “But by the time we were making our class presentation at the end of the week, we realized that there was nothing stopping this from moving beyond the theoretical – and after everything we’d learned about the situation, we were passionate about helping to create change.”

In 2011 alone, Canada opened its doors to 25,000 refugees, offering an opportunity for healing and hope. Many refugees entering the country are leaving traumatic situations, coming to a place where they are operating without support networks or sometimes even a working knowledge of Canada’s official languages.

“Until now, refugees have been entitled to full medical assistance under the Interim Federal Healthcare Program – a $20-million per year program the federal government has cancelled, effective June 30, 2012,” says Dueck.

“$20-million spread across our country’s population works out to only 59 cents per person,” says Dueck. “It makes practical and moral sense to continue this relatively small program that ensures these vulnerable new residents receive help before their treatable illnesses become serious long-term health issues. We recognize that many refugees are unable to speak up on this issue. We’re encouraging all Canadians to lend their voices by sending 59 cents to the Prime Minister, showing our willingness as a country to give our part toward a small but vital program – and hopefully pressure the federal government to reverse this decision.”

“We launched the 59 Cents Campaign on Friday, June 18. And we’ve been overwhelmed by the response so far,” Dueck continues. “People from across the country – including a law professor in Victoria and doctors from all over Canada, as well as regular citizens of all ages – have been encouraging us and getting involved. It really proves the power of a simple idea.”

Dueck credits CMU and the CSOP for helping promote peace and justice. “The CSOP is so diverse,” he says. “It’s really the strength of the program that it brings together people from all walks of life, and from all over the world, to share their experiences and ideas. You realize quickly that the little things we do here can make a big impact all around the world.”

“We are very excited about this campaign,” says Valerie Smith, Co-director of the Canadian School of Peacebuilding at CMU. “We want this to be a place that can bridge thinking with doing, to bring in leaders in peacebuilding from around the world to support those already working in the field and inspire students to get involved. These students are relatively new to peacebuilding, but their time at CMU has really steeped them in ideas of peace and justice – values we promote throughout every course we offer and our community as a whole. We hope that the CSOP will continue to provide this type of experience and inspiration for all those who attend, so they can take what they’ve learned back to their communities and use it to make a real difference.”

The 59 Cents Campaign will continue after the June 30, 2012 deadline, in an effort to have the decision reversed, says Dueck.

Through its Shaftesbury and Menno Simons College campuses, CMU offers one of the world’s largest undergraduate programs in peace and conflict studies.

The Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP), an institute of Canadian Mennonite University, is a learning community of diverse peacebuilders from around the world who come together to learn, network, and engage in peacebuilding. Now in its fourth year, CSOP offers a selection of five-day courses that can be taken for professional or personal development or for academic credit. Visit

A Christian university rooted in the Anabaptist tradition, CMU offers undergraduate degrees in arts and science, business, humanities, music, and social sciences, as well as two graduate degree programs. CMU has over 1,700 students at its Shaftesbury Campus, at Menno Simons College in downtown Winnipeg, and enrolled through its Outtatown discipleship program. CMU is a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.

For more information on the 59 Cent Campaign:
For interviews, contact project spokesperson Matthew Dueck at 204-371-9826
View the Campaign’s video on YouTube:

Photo of 59 Cent Campaign group, from left:
Maureen Gathogo, Rianna Isaak,
Cecilly Hildebrand, and Matthew Dueck.
(Missing from photo: Deanna Zantingh)

Audio Outtatown Staff interviews

Stefan Kliewer – Outtatown South Africa Site 2 Leader (2011-2012)

Stefan Kliewer (far left in photo)
Outtatown South Africa Site 2 Leader
Interview Date: April 13, 2012

In this interview, Stefan shares with David Balzer – host of Sunday@CMU Radio, insights into the value of an OT experience and muses about what color he would use to describe South Africa.
Play/Download Here 

For more information about Outtatown, CMU’s one-year discipleship program, click here

Audio Outtatown Staff interviews

Bethany Bustard – Outtatown Guatemala Site 1 Leader (2011-2012)

Bethany Bustard (far left in photo)
Outtatown Guatemala Site 1 Leader
Interview Date: April 13, 2012

In this interview, Bethany shares with David Balzer – host of Sunday@CMU Radio, a God-encounter moment from her experience as Guatemala site leader.
Play/Download Here 

For more information about Outtatown, CMU’s one-year discipleship program, click here

Audio Outtatown Staff interviews

Josh Dookhie – Outtatown South Africa Site 3 Leader (2011-2012)

Josh Dookhie (far right in photo)
Outtatown South Africa Site 3 Leader
Interview Date: April 13, 2012

In this interview, Josh shares with David Balzer – host of Sunday@CMU Radio, a moment in downtown Vancouver where homelessness became very personal for Site 3 participants.
Play/Download Here 

For more information about Outtatown, CMU’s one-year discipleship program, click here

Audio Outtatown Student interviews

Alanna Johnson – Outtatown South Africa Site 3 (2011-2012)

Alanna Johnson
Outtatown South Africa, Site 3 student (2011-2012)
Interview Date: April 14, 2012

Take a listen to candid reflections from Outtatown South Africa Site 3 student, Alanna Johnson, during celebrations on Saturday, April 14, 2012.  David Balzer, host of Sunday@CMU radio, waded into the crowd of over 100 students along with their family and friends that had come on Family Day to celebrate the OT experience from four sites – Guatemala, South Africa 1 & 2 and French Africa.

Site 3 South Africa

For more information about Outtatown, CMU’s one-year discipleship program, click here

Audio Outtatown Student interviews

Outtatown South Africa students offer candid reflections (Site 3, 2011-2012)

Matthew Kopperud and Julie Letkeman
Outtatown South Africa, Site 3 students (2011-2012)
Interview Date: April 14, 2012

Take a listen to candid reflections from Outtatown South Africa (Site 3) students during celebrations on Saturday, April 14, 2012.  David Balzer, host of Sunday@CMU radio, waded into the crowd of over 100 students along with their family and friends that had come on Family Day to celebrate the OT experience from four sites – Guatemala, South Africa 1 & 2 and French Africa.

Site 3 South Africa

For more information about Outtatown, CMU’s one-year discipleship program, click here

Audio Outtatown Student interviews

Outtatown South Africa students offer candid reflections (Site 2, 2011-2012)

Andrew Letkeman and Emily Brubaker-Zehr
Outtatown South Africa, Site 2 students (2011-2012)
Interview Date: April 14, 2012

Take a listen to candid reflections from Outtatown South Africa (Site 2) students during celebrations on Saturday, April 14, 2012.  David Balzer, host of Sunday@CMU radio, waded into the crowd of over 100 students along with their family and friends that had come on Family Day to celebrate the OT experience from four sites – Guatemala, South Africa 1 & 2 and French Africa.

Site 2 South Africa

For more information about Outtatown, CMU’s one-year discipleship program, click here

Audio Outtatown Student interviews

Outtatown Guatemala students offer candid reflections (2011-2012)

Aleksei Kingma and Julia Stinson
Outtatown Guatemala students (2011-2012)
Interview Date: April 14, 2012

Take a listen to candid reflections from Outtatown Guatemala students during celebrations on Saturday, April 14, 2012.  David Balzer, host of Sunday@CMU radio, waded into the crowd of over 100 students along with their family and friends that had come on Family Day to celebrate the OT experience from four sites – Guatemala, South Africa 1 & 2 and French Africa.

Site 1 Guatemala

For more information about Outtatown, CMU’s one-year discipleship program, click here

Events General News News Releases

CMU Announces $11-Million Capital Project

June 15, 2012 – Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) President Gerald Gerbrandt today announced plans for a major new university capital project that will significantly enhance CMU’s infrastructure for delivering quality post-secondary education. This important new campus asset will also serve as a valuable resource to the broader Manitoba community.

 “In 12 short years since CMU purchased its buildings and land from the Province and merged the assets of existing Mennonite colleges, CMU has established itself as a dynamic university with growing credibility,” says Gerbrandt.  “Its Christian and Anabaptist commitments provide the foundation for a truly unique Canadian university serving church and community. Now, CMU is building on its momentum, putting in place the building blocks for increased future impact.”

Bringing congratulations to CMU around this capital project were Premier Greg Selinger and Acting Deputy Mayor and Charleswood Tuxedo Councillor Paula Havixbeck, along with a number of other guests and supporters of the project.  Two years ago, the University celebrated completion of another capital project that saw construction of a new CMU Science Laboratory on the University’s Shaftesbury campus. In fall 2011, CMU announced donor funding of $6.5-to $7.5-million to establish its CMU Redekop School of Business.

“Building the new CMU Library and Learning Commons, along with a pedestrian bridge linking both sides of CMU’s Shaftesbury campus, are key next steps in building a CMU for the future,” says Elmer Hildebrand, fundraising campaign chair for the capital project and CEO of Golden West Radio.

“CMU is grateful for the dedicated and effective fundraising leadership of the Campaign Executive of CONNECT: The Campaign for CMU,” says Gerbrandt. “We’re looking forward to our public campaign in the coming months and sharing further announcements from our Campaign team.”

Chair Elmer Hildebrand is joined in his efforts by the CONNECT Campaign Executive Members Art DeFehr, Philipp R. Ens, Bill Fast, Janice Filmon, Bert Friesen, Charles Loewen, Jake Rempel, and Tamara Roehr.

“Today, as we announce our plans to construct this library and learning commons along with the pedestrian bridge, we are pleased to name those who are helping us with this project,” says Gerbrandt. “The architects for the project are ft3. They have done much work designing both a functional and a simple and exciting design. We have selected Concord Projects as the contractor; they have been working closely with us and the architects in readiness to proceed with this project.”

 Features of the New Library and Learning Commons

The Library and Learning Commons will greatly enhance the CMU learning environment for students, faculty, and the general public.

  • Study carrels, worktables, and lounge seating in attractive setting will stimulate students to connect with ideas and thinkers from around the world.
  • Small group rooms will invite students to work together in teams at important questions and issues.
  • New computer, wireless, and peripheral technologies will support study, research, and collaboration.
  • A seminar room will enable small classes to meet in proximity to necessary library resources.
  • Significantly increased space with natural light and controlled temperature and humidity will allow future expansion and growth.

The Library and Learning Commons will include a prominent and welcoming entrance and gathering area (Library Centre), inviting students and the general public to make use of its resources.

  • It will feature a Bookstore and Resource Centre with the most extensive selection of theological resources anywhere in the province.
  • An inviting café will welcome students, faculty, staff, and members of the community to gather and discuss the issues of the day.

An attractive Pedestrian Bridge will link the two sides of CMU’s campus, currently partitioned by a busy thoroughfare, providing a safe, accessible route across Grant Avenue. It will also signal the presence of CMU in the community, serving as a symbol for an institution that connects people with ideas and each other over issues that matter.

The Campaign Executive has been actively fundraising in support of the project and expects to publicly launch the CONNECT campaign within the year. CMU anticipates beginning construction on the new facility and bridge in 2013.

Photo indenty: Canadian Mennonite University on June 15, 2012 announced an $11-million capital project – a new Library and Learning Commons, and Pedestrian Bridge. Joining in the announcement were: (front row, l. to r.) CMU President-Elect Cheryl Pauls, CMU President Gerald Gerbrandt, Premier of Manitoba Greg Selinger, CONNECT Campaign Chair Elmer Hildebrand, Acting Deputy Mayor Paula Havixbeck, Councillor for Charleswood Tuxedo; (back row, l to r), CMU Vice President External Terry Schellenberg, and Campaign Executive Members Tamara Roehr, Bill Fast, Jake Rempel, Bert Friesen, Charles Loewen, and Janice Filmon. (Missing from photograph: Campaign Executive Members Art DeFehr and Philipp R. Ens)

Events General News News Releases

Menno Simons College Celebrates Its Graduates

June 14, 2012 – On June 7, 66 students graduated having completed one of the two programs offered by CMU’s Menno Simons College (MSC) in International Development Studies (IDS) or Conflict Resolution Studies (CRS). At a special MSC celebratory event, Dr. Julie Pelletier, Chair of Indigenous Studies at The University of Winnipeg, delivered the keynote address in Convocation Hall following graduation ceremonies.

“This year, 28 new, returning, and international students received awards – among the highest number of awards given in the history of MSC – including bursaries and scholarships,” notes MSC Dean Dr. Richard McCutcheon. “Additionally, nine students received medals for achievement in a particular major or degree program.”

In addition to an inspiring address by Pelletier, the MSC Graduation Celebration included greetings by Canadian Mennonite University President Dr. Gerald Gerbrandt and by Dr. Fiona Green, UWinnipeg’s Acting Associate Dean of Arts. Invocation was given by MSC Associate Professor Dr. Ruth Rempel.

Also participating in the program were graduating students Andrea Blanchard, IDS graduate, and Joel Gonske, CRS graduate, who shared reflections on what their time at MSC has meant to them.

“It has been a privilege to be a part of a unique institution that exemplifies the principles it teaches by being caring, community-focussed, people-oriented, and respectful towards everyone,” says Blanchard, who will begin work in September 2012 on her Master of Science degree at the University of Manitoba. “Since living in India and then taking IDS, I realized I was interested in improving health worldwide by studying the intersection of social sciences and health issues that make certain groups more vulnerable to poor health. Being in the IDS program gave me some unique opportunities related to my future goals.”

After her third year of studies, Blanchard completed her MSC practicum at Mount Carmel Clinic. She then returned to India for her Honours Thesis on the benefits of empowerment of women in sex work for reducing their HIV vulnerability. “I’m really excited that I will be able to directly build on my IDS experience and my Honours Thesis research this fall.”

Says Gonske: “Graduation is a milestone, but it is also a beginning of learning to work and live to the fullest, with responsibility and commitment to impacting the world for good.”

“For me personally, Menno Simons College has been an integral part of my ongoing transition to life in Canada from life in Pakistan,” says Gonske. “With its concern for international issues, its openness to diverse worldviews, and its various counter-cultural perspectives, I found it to be welcoming of my international background and interests… The community-based approach to education is one of the fantastic and unique aspects of Menno Simons College, one which we students have experienced
both in classes and through various practicum and research opportunities.”

For McCutcheon, who is retiring from his role as Dean of Menno Simons, the graduation celebration for MSC students was particularly meaningful. “We are very excited about this year’s graduating class,” he says. “Our students are already engaging in the next step. They are aware of world issues and events, and they want to do something to make a difference.”

CMU’s Menno Simons College is one of the world’s largest centres for peace and justice studies. The College provides education flowing from Anabaptist Mennonite understandings of faith, peace, and justice while engaging other religious traditions and intellectual perspectives. MSC fosters a learning community that prepares students from diverse backgrounds for participation and leadership in local and global communities. Considered a pioneer in International Development Studies and Conflict Resolution Studies, MSC offers a wide range of courses and experienced faculty in these areas, along with practicum opportunities and supporting scholarships.

Canadian Mennonite University offers undergraduate degree programs and two graduate degree programs. CMU has over 1,700 students at its Shaftesbury campus, downtown MSC campus, and in its Outtatown international program. A member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), CMU operates a number of schools and institutes, including the Canadian School of Peacebuilding.

For MSC information, contact:
Ruth Taronno:; tel. 204.953.3846

PHOTO, l to r:
Fiona Green, Richard McCutcheon, Andrea Blanchard, Joel Gonske, Julie Pelletier, Gerald Gerbrandt