Face2Face: On Campus – Community in Conversation

On Being Good Neighbours: Urban Reserves in Winnipeg with Prof. Jarem Sawatzky

“On Being Good Neighbours: Urban Reserves in Winnipeg” is the last of six Face2Face events hosted by CMU during the 2013-14 school year.

Joining CMU faculty member Jarem Sawatsky on the panel are: Terry Nelson, Grand Chief of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization; Dennis Meeches, Chief of Long Plain First Nation; Deanna Zantingh, a student from CMU’s Graduate School of Theology with an interest in indigenous relations; Kenton Lobe, Instructor in International Development Studies at CMU; and Jeffrey Ansloos, a Canadian born Cree PhD student of Clinical Psychology at Fuller School of Psychology in Pasadena, CA.



Discover Community Life at CMU (video)


Face2Face: On Campus – Community in Conversation Uncategorized Video

The European Debt Crisis and Other Wonders Hiding in the Global Economy with Jeff Huebner

As the fifth feature in the 2013/14 Face2Face conversation series, CMU’s Redekop School of Business Professor Jeff Huebner leads an interactive discussion exploring everything from the financial crisis in the United States to the Eurozone debt crisis. Discussion panelists will include a value investor from Niverville and an international student from Germany who speaks about the Eurozone crisis from a citizen’s perspective.


Schools & Institutes Video

Canadian School of Peacebuilding – Participant Reflections


Schools & Institutes Video

Canadian School of Peacebuilding – Walking with Our Sisters


Schools & Institutes Video

Canadian School of Peacebuilding – David Caceras: Peace, Not War


Face2Face: On Campus – Community in Conversation Video

It’s Not Only About Atoms: Embracing the Science of Complexity with Prof. Candice Viddal

How does current thinking in physics and chemistry affect how we experience and understand other areas of life?

That is the question Candice Viddal, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Physics at Canadian Mennonite University, explores in the fourth installment of the 2013/14 Face2Face conversation series.


Graduates 2013 Video

Alumni Profiles – David Thiessen (CMU ’13)


David Thiessen

This video features David Thiessen (CMU ’13) at In Gratitude, April 27, 2013, a CMU graduation weekend event at which class members share their experiences through spoken word or musical performance. The event brings together family members, graduates, students, faculty, and staff.

David Thiessen
Bachelor of Arts (4 year) Honours
Major: Biblical and Theological Studies

Video Production: Laura Tait and Thomas Krause, CMU Communications & Media Students (2013)

Graduates 2013 Video

Alumni Profiles – Daniel Bergman (CMU ’13)


Daniel BergmanThis video features Daniel Bergman (CMU ’13) at In Gratitude, April 27, 2013, a CMU graduation weekend event at which class members share their experiences through spoken word or musical performance. The event brings together family members, graduates, students, faculty, and staff.

Performing Mit Myrten und Rosen (Schumann)

Daniel Bergman
Bachelor of Music
Major: Music Education – Senior Years Instrumental

Accompanied by Graeme Leaver on piano.

Video Production: Laura Tait and Thomas Krause, CMU Communications & Media Students (2013)

Graduates 2013 Video

Alumni Profiles – Deanna Zantingh (CMU ’13)


Deanna ZantinghThis video features Deanna Zantingh (CMU ’13) at In Gratitude, April 27, 2013, a CMU graduation weekend event at which class members share their experiences through spoken word or musical performance. The event brings together family members, graduates, students, faculty, and staff.

Deanna Zantingh
Bachelor of Arts (4 year)
Major: Peace & Conflict Transformation Studies

Video Production: Laura Tait and Thomas Krause, CMU Communications & Media Students (2013)