
2015 Alumni Award Recipient Stories – Gerry Dyck (video)

Gerry Dyck (MBBC '82)
Gerry Dyck (MBBC ’82)

Since graduating from MBBC, Gerry Dyck (’82) has fused his interest in business with his interest in international development to make a difference. Dyck is the co-founder and president of Kalora Interiors International, a business that specializes in décor solutions for the home furnishings industry. An offshoot of a multi-national non-profit charity called International Development Enterprises, Kalora was established to match the needs of suppliers from the developing world with the needs of customers in the Western world. Dyck is also involved with the Ontario Board of Church Extension, with a focus on church planting in large urban centres in Ontario. He lives in St. Jacobs, ON.

The Distinguished Alumni Awards celebrate alumni who, through their lives, embody CMU’s values and mission of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society. The awards are presented to alumni from CMU and its predecessor colleges: Canadian Mennonite Bible College (CMBC) and Mennonite Brethren Bible College (MBBC)/Concord College.



Alumni Award Recipient delivers chapel message (video)

Larry Plenert CMBC 66)
Larry Plenert CMBC 66)

Lawyer, teacher, coach, musician, Olympic athlete – Larry Plenert (CMBC ’78) has worn many hats. His 6’6” frame and prowess on the volleyball court earned him a spot on Canada’s national volleyball team starting in 1973, which led to competing in the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal. After a short stint teaching, Plenert finished his Bachelor of Theology and then moved on to law school. Plenert practiced law in Abbotsford, B.C. for 27 years. Since 2008, he has worked as an adjudicator of claims of serious physical or sexual abuse by former students of Indian Residential Schools. He lives in Fort Langley, B.C.

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2015’s Graduation Service (video)



“From Truth to Reconciliation” with Rt. Hon. Joe Clark (video)

A conversation with Rt. Hon. Joe Clark on reconciliation with aboriginal peoples, presented byCanadian Mennonite University and MCC Manitoba.

Recorded on Saturday, October 18, 2015.



Gratefully Uncomfortable – A Reflection on the CMU Experience (video)

Raven Nickel, a CMU student in her final year of studies, reflects upon her practicum placement and the impact it has had on her life and her studies at CMU.



To Sow the Wind: An Argument Against the War on Terror and Other Bad Ideas by Rev. Dr. Widdicombe (video)

Just War theory has received a lot of attention in recent times but the results have been mixed. It is no longer a tradition of thought designed to place strict restraints upon the use of force in the necessary use of force in restraint of evil. Under the pressure of humanitarian interventionism, theories that democracies do not fight wars against each other, American (and Western) exceptionalism, supposed states of emergency, and other ideological adventures upon the turbulent seas of the international order, the tradition has lost its profound Augustinian political skepticism and moral realism. This lecture asks whether the restraint of force wasn’t always a better (foundational) idea than the pursuit of justice in the just war tradition, a tradition that once thought war tragically endemic and sometimes justified, but never simply unambiguously just.

Rev. Dr. Widdicombe is the Rector of Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church in Winnipeg, MB.

Recorded February 26, 2015.



Dr. Henry Janzen, CMU Scientist in Residence — Following Carbon Flows Through Life and Times (video)

Carbon atoms flit ceaselessly through our lands and lives, conveying the sun’s sustaining energy in endless cycles between air and life and back to air again. These silent streams of carbon, propelled by sun, thus connect all species in a planet-wide continuum: carbon atoms released to air from decaying garden compost may be wafted far afield to be captured by a tropical tree and reappear in your neighbour’s banana.

People have always depended on these carbon flows, but as our numbers and wants have multiplied, we have been meddling more and more with the natural carbon cycles, by despoiling our lands and burning of fossil fuels. Symptoms of our use and misuse of carbon are reflected now in global worries about climate, hunger, extinction of species, energy, and societal conflict. These stresses will not be resolved by science alone; they demand also our learning to live more wisely and creatively within Earth’s carbon cycle.

Dr. Janzen aims to describe the story of carbon flowing through nature and society, and then to explore some questions that emerge: questions relevant to all of us, enfolding interwoven strands of science, of ethics, of wonder—and ultimately—of hope.

Recorded February 4, 2015.



Face2Face | You Lost Me: The Church and Young Adults (video)

Many young Canadians have stepped away from institutionalized religion, a trend that has been growing for the past 25 years. Is the church not listening or do young adults no longer care? Has the church lost touch with the issues about which young adults are most passionate? How significant is the church’s worship to the participation and involvement of young adults? Do young adults feel any responsibility in keeping the legacy of the church going? What does it mean for the church to be “faithful” in this time and place?
Join us as we investigate young adult perspectives and convictions related to church and faith.

Co-hosted by CMU faculty Irma Fast Dueck and graduate student Peter Epp are, a diverse panel of young adults including Kirsten Hamm-Epp, Danielle Morton, Mike Wiebe, Lukas Thiessen, and Harrison Davey share their personal experiences and impressions about the chruch.

Recorded February 10, 2015 as part of CMU’s Face2Face Community Discussion Series.



Marpeck Commons Grand Opening and Dedication (video)

“We are honoured to open this spectacular space to the university community and the communities surrounding CMU,” says CMU President Cheryl Pauls. “Marpeck Commons will be the hub of the campus and of a vibrant learning community. It’s a great place for formal and informal gathering, and we’re excited about the quality of conversation and study that will happen there.”

Pauls adds that the bridge offers coherence to the CMU campus by providing students, staff, and guests a safe and accessible way across Grant Ave.

Central to Marpeck Commons is the library. The library is vital to CMU’s effectiveness in connecting students with one another and with the expertise and mentoring of faculty, librarians, and staff.

Marpeck Commons also houses CommonWord, a book and resource centre created in partnership with Mennonite Church Canada that will allow users to buy, borrow, and download a wide range of resources, as well as a coffee and snack bar called Folio Café.



Canadian Mennonite University Fall Festival 2014 (video)

Canadian Mennonite University’s Fall Festival is a time for students, staff, alumni and supporters to get together and celebrate the start of a new school year.