Canadian Mennonite University

Gifts for Now and Tomorrow

Giving to CMU creates hope for the future

Helen Rempel

Helen Rempel is a long-time supporter of CMU.

"CMU integrates faith with so many world issues." 

"When you hear about students being here from 27 countries; well, I've been impressed how that can make a difference in the world and it gives me hope for the future."

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You play a vital role in the present and future CMU learning community. CMU has received several larger gifts from alumni and friends to be used over five to 20 years. Consider matching your passions with long term support for CMU students by contacting Rynold at or 204.487.3300 ext 611.

Here are long term gifts that support CMU Now and Tomorrow:


Annual Gifts (annual gift for a designated program)

Hildebrand Fund contributing annually to the communications program


CMU Multi-Year Fund (gifts used over multiple years)

Elfrieda Budarick Memorial Fund  contributing annually for 10 years towards the Music program.

Arthur and Helen (Wiens) Rempel and Family Fund – contributing annually for 20 years to maintain CMU's commitment of Educating for Peace and Justice

Edgar D. and Hedy (Koop) Rempel Fund – contributing annually for 10 years for Peace Programming and Musical Instrument Maintenance

H. Wiehler Family Fund – contributing annually to strengthen CMU's environmental and ecological programming


Endowment Funds (earnings support a program)

Philipp R. and Ilse K. Ens Fund – contributing annually for annual operating expenses and capital projects/improvements

Arthur and Helen (Wiens) Rempel Peacemaking Fund – contributing annually to the Canadian School of Peacebuilding

The Jesus Way Fund for Spiritual Formation and Leadership Development – income earned from the endowment will be used to fund programs and activities that support spiritual formation and leadership development which could lead to the exploration of, or preparation for, ministry.


Other Long-Term Gift Opportunities

CMU Scholarships and Bursaries Endowment Fund  support CMU students through our awards program

Legacy Gifts  support CMU through gifts in wills

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