MHC Gallery

MHC Gallery

Exhibits: ICE: Moments | Photography by Klaus Hochheim

Curated by Martha Hochheim and Sarah Hodges-Kolisnyk

Opening June 21 at 7:30 PM

In this display of polar photographs, explore the unique and passionate intertwining of art and science in the life and career of climatologist and ice researcher Dr. Klaus Hochheim.

Accompanied by a stunning large-format art book featuring over 70 photographs with forward by Martha Hochheim and essays by Dr. David Babb and Sarah Hodges-Kolisnyk. Available for purchase from MHC Gallery and online from CommonWord Bookstore.

Read more in CANVASs: June - August 2024 Issue

Admission to main exhibition by donation | Exhibition runs from June 21– August 31, 2024

MHC Gallery is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, and Saturdays from 12:00–5:00 PM.

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