Compiled by

Brian J. Walsh and

J. Richard Middleton,

Updated and expanded by Ian Ritchie

Revision dates: 1998, 2000

Revisions in 2004 by Gordon Matties for students in the Senior Integrative Seminar,

Canadian Mennonite University

may be copied for personal use, but not for profit.

This bibliography is the latest revision of the one that first appeared in The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984). As with that earlier version, we have made a deliberate attempt not to be comprehensive. In most of the fields listed, there are many more books than the ones we have included. Rather than writing a comprehensive bibliography, we have attempted to compile the "bibliography we can't live without." These books are the essentials. Although we do not necessarily endorse everything that all of these books say, we nevertheless believe them to be foundational to developing a Christian perspective in each discipline. The bibliography has four sections:

Sections I and IV list resources with which everyone should be familiar. Sections II and III have subheadings for assorted disciplines offered at the university. Obviously, we all need to be reading the books in our own particular discipline. We have also included a list of general books on "Forming a Christian Perspective in Science" and "Setting a Christian Foundation in the Humanities and Social Sciences" at the beginning of sections II and III respectively. These books, together with those listed under "Christian Faith and University Study," are helpful in getting a broader Christian perspective in our studies, which then must be worked out more specifically in each student's discipline. All of the books in this bibliography are important. They are gifts that the Lord has given to the Christian community to help it to grow in all things into Christ. But to help students choose the most important books, we have placed an asterisk (*) beside three or four entries under each subheading. The books in this bibliography are foundational. Once the foundation has been set, we must build on it. We will need to search out other resources to help us to live Christian lives, integrated and whole.

In the 1997 revisions Ian Ritchie updated the entire bibliography, and added new sections on Anthropology, Journalism, Drama, Business, Conflict Resolution Studies, Sports, and the Genetics Revolution (with thanks for the latter to Dr. A. Chudley, Prof., Depts. of Pediatrics and Human Genetics, University of Manitoba.)




Berger, Peter. The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion, Garden City: Doubleday, 1967.

Holmes, Arthur. Contours of a World View. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1983.

Kraft, Charles. Christianity in Culture. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1979.

Marshall, Paul, et al. Stained Glass: Worldviews and Social Science. Christian Studies Today Series. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1989.

Olthuis, James H. "On Worldviews." Christian Scholar's Review 14, 2 (1985): 153-64

*Sire, James W. The Universe Next Door: A Basic World View Catalog. 3d ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1997.

Smart, Ninian. Worldviews: Crosscultural Explorations of Human Beliefs. 2d. ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: 1995.

Stevenson, Leslie. Seven Theories of Human Nature. New York: Oxford, 1974.

*Walsh, Brian J., and Middleton, J. Richard. The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian Worldview. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984.

Lovin, Robin W. and Reynolds, Frank E. eds. Cosmogony and Ethical Order: New Studies in Comparative Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.


Blamires, Harry. The Christian Mind. Ann Arbor Servant, 1978.

--------, Recovering the Christian Mind. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.

*Brueggemann, Walter. The Prophetic Imagination. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978.

Ellul, Jacques. The Presence of the Kingdom. Translated by Olive Wyon. New York: Seabury Press, 1967.

Fernhout, Harry. Of Kings and Prophets: A Study of the Book of Kings. Toronto: Curriculum Development Centre, 1979.

--------. Promises Broken, Promise Kept: A Readers Guide to I and II Samuel. Toronto: Curriculum Development Centre, 1986.

Hall, Douglas John. Imaging God: Dominion as Stewardship. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans; New York: Friendship Press, 1986.

Ladd, George Eldon. The Pattern of New Testament Truth Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1968.

Mouw, Richard J. Called to Holy Worldliness. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1980.

*--------. When the Kings Come Marching In. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

*Niebuhr, H. Richard. Christ and Culture. New York: Harper & Row, 1983.

Noll, Mark, and Wells, David, eds. Christian Faith and Practice in the Modern World. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1987.

Shaw, Steve. No Splits. London: Marshall Pickering, 1989.

Sinnema, Donald. Reclaiming the Land: A Study of the Book of Joshua. Teacher and Study Group Edition. Toronto: Curriculum Development Centre, 1977.

Stassen, Glen H., Yeager, D.M. and Yoder, J.H. Authentic Transformation, a new vision of Christ and Culture. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.

Wallis, Jim. The Call to Conversion. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1981.

*Wolters, Albert. Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1985.


Avison, Margaret. A Kind Of Perseverance. The Pascal Lectures On Christianity and the University. Hantsport, Nova Scotia: Lancelot Press, 1994.

Carpenter, Joel A., and Shipps, Kenneth W., eds. Making Higher Education. St. Paul: Christian University Press; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987.

Garber, Steven. The Fabric of Faithfullness: weaving together belief and behaviour during the university years. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1996.

Gill, David. The Opening of the Christian Mind. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1989.

*Heie, Harold, and Wolfe, David L, eds. The Reality of Christian Learning: Strategies for Faith-Discipline Integration. St. Paul: Christian University Press; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987.

Holmes, Arthur. All Truth Is God's Truth. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1977.

Malik, Charles. A Christian Critique of the University. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1982.

Marsden, George. "The State of Evangelical Christian Scholarship." Christian Scholar's Review 17, 4 (1988): 347-60.

Noll, Mark. The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994.

Sire, James W. How to Read Slowly: A Guide to Reading with the Mind. Wheaton, Ill.: Harold Shaw, 1988.

------------, Discipleship Of The Mind: Learning to Love God in the Ways We Think. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1990.

Stott, John. Your Mind Matters. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1973.

Vieth, Gene Edward, Jr. Loving God with All the Mind. Westchester, Ill.: Crossway, 1987.

Wilkes, Peter, ed. Christianity Challenges the University. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1981.

*Wolterstorff, Nicholas. Reason within the Bounds of Religion. 2d ed Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984

Further Resources:

Faculty Dialogue

Journal of the Institute for Christian Leadership

9733 S.E. Frence Acres Dr.

Portland, OR 97266-6911

Christian Scholars Review

c/o Tod Steen,

Hope College, MI, 49423

email: steen@hope.cit.hope.edu

website: http://www.hope.edu/resources/csr


Barrett, William. Death of the Soul: From Descartes to the Computer. New York: Anchor Press, 1986.

Bellah, Robert, et al. Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1985.

Berger, Peter. Facing Up to Modernity: Excursions in Society, Religion and Politics. New York: Basic Books, 1977.

Borgman, Albert. Crossing the Postmodern Divide. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Dooyeweerd, Herman. Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options. Translated by J. Kraay. Toronto: Wedge, 1979.

*Ellis, Carl, Jr. Beyond Liberation: The Gospel and the Black American Experience. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1983.

Ellul, Jacques. The Betrayal of the West. New York: Seabury, 1978.

*Goudzwaard, Bob. Capitalism and Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society. Trans. J. Van Nuis Zylstra. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1979.

------------. Idols of Our Time. Trans. Mark VanderVennen. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984.

Grenz, Stanley J. A Primer on Postmodernism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996.

Groothuis, Douglas. Unmasking the New Age. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1986.

Guinness, Os. The Gravedigger File: Papers on the Subversion of the Modern Church. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1983.

Lyon, David. Postmodernity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994.

Murphy, Nancey and George Ellis. On the Moral Nature of the Universe: Theology, Cosmology, and Ethics. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996.

*Newbigin, Lesslie. Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

*----------. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans; Geneva: WCC Publications, 1989.

------------. Proper Confidence: faith, doubt and certainty in christian discipleship. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995.

Walsh, Brian J. Who Turned Out the Lights? The Light of the Gospel in a Post-Enlightenment Culture. Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, 1989.

Walsh, Brian J., and Middleton, J. Richard. Truth Is Stranger Than It Used To Be: Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1995.

Walter, Tony. Need: The New Religion. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1985.




Bailey, Lloyd R. Genesis, Creation, and Creationism. Mahwah, NJ.: Paulist, 1993.

*Barbour, Ian. Issues in Science and Religion. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.

------------. Myths, Models and Paradigms. London: SCM, 1974.

Gerhart, Mary, and Russell, Allan. Metaphoric Process: The Creation Scientific and Religious Understanding. Fort Worth, Tex.: Texas University Press, 1984.

*Gilkey, Langdon. Religion and the Scientific Future: Reflections on Myth, Science, and Theology. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Reprint ed. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1981.

Gutting, Gary, ed. Paradigms and Revolutions: Applications and Appraisals of Thomas Kuhn's Philosophy of Science. Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1980.

*Hooykaas, R. Religion and the Rise of Modern Science. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1972.

Hummel, Charles. The Galileo Connection: Resolving Conflicts between Science and the Bible. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1986.

Hyers, Conrad. The Meaning of Creation: Genesis and Modern Science. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1984.

Joldersma, Clarence. Beliefs and the Scientific Enterprise. Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, 1983.

Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2d ed. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1970.

Lindberg, David C., and Numbers, Ronald C., eds. God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter between Christianity and Science. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1986.

MacKay, Donald. The Clockwork Image. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1974.

Murphy, Nancey and George Ellis. On the Moral Nature of the Universe: Theology, Cosmology, and Ethics. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996.

Murphy, Nancey. Reconciling Theology and Science: A Radical Reformation Perspective. Kitchener, Ont., Scottdale, PA.: Pandora Press, Herald Press, 1997.

Peacocke, A.R. Science and the Christian Experiment. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.

Polanyi, Michael. The Tacit Dimension. Garden City: Doubleday, 1967.

*Ratzsch, Del. Philosophy of Science: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1986.

Reichenbach, Bruce R. and Anderson, V. Elving. On Behalf of God: A Christian Ethic For Biology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, with The Institute For Advanced Christian Studies, 1995.

Russell, Colin A. Cross-currents: Interactions between Science and Faith. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1985.

Richardson, W. Mark and Wildman, Wesley J. eds. Religion & Science: History, Method, Dialogue. New York: Routledge, 1996.

Stafleu, Marinus Dirk. Theories at Work. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1987.

Templeton, John, and Hermann, Robert. The God Who Would Be Known: Divine Revelations in Contemporary Science. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988.

*Van Till, Howard. The Fourth Day: What the Bible and Heavens Are Telling Us about Creation. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

Further Resources:

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith

Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation

P.O. Box 668

Ipswich, MA 01938


Science and Christian Belief

Journal of "Christians in Science" and "The Victoria Institute"

Paternoster Press

Paternoster House

3 Mount Radford Crescent

Exeter EX2 4JW

United Kingdom


Science & Spirit

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

65 Hoit Rd.,

Concord, N.H..S.A. 03301-1810.



Kilner, J.F., Cameron, N.M. de S., Schiedermayer, D.L., eds, Bioethics and the Future of Medicine: A Christian Appraisal. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1995.

Munson, R. Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics, 5th ed. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1996.

Reichenbach, Bruce R. and Anderson, V. Elving. On Behalf of God: A Christian Ethic For Biology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, with The Institute For Advanced Christian Studies, 1995.

Wright, Richard T. Biology Through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.


Davis, B.D. ed. The Genetic Revolution - Scientific Prospects and Public Perceptions. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.

Kelves, D.J. and Hood, L. eds. The Code of Codes - Scientific and Social Issues in the Human Genome Project. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992.

Kneen, Brewster. Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology. Gabriola Island, BC.: New Society Publishers, 1999.

Peters, Ted. For the Love of Children: Genetic technology and the future of the family. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996.

*----------. Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom. New York and London: Routledge, 1997.

------------. ed. Genetics: Issues of Social Justice. Cleveland, Ohio: The Pilgrim Press, 1998.

Ramsey, Paul. Fabricated Man. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1970.

Rogers, John. ed. Medical Ethics, Human Choices - A Christian Perspective. Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1988.

Science Vol 274, 465-688, Oct 25, 1996. Theme issue on the Human Genome Project.

Verhey, Allen, ed. Religion and Medical Ethics: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1996.

Yarhourse, Mark A., and Jones, Stanton L. "A Critique of Materialist Assumptions in Interpretations of Research on Homosexuality" Christian Scholars Review 26 (no. 4 Fall) 1997: 478-495.


Frye, Roland M., ed. Is God a Creationist? New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983.

*Gilkey, Langdon. Creationism on Trial: Evolution and God at Little Rock. Minneapolis: Winston Press, 1985.

Gillespie, Neal C. Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1979.

*Greene, John C. Science, Ideology and Worldview: Essays in the History of Evolutionary Ideas. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1981.

Price, David; Wiester, John; and Hearn, Walter R. Teaching Science in a Climate of Controversy. Ipswich, Mass.: American Scientific Affiliation, 1986.

Thurman, D. L. How to Think about Evolution (and Other Bible-Science Controversies). Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1978.

Wiester, John. The Genesis Connection. Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 1983.

Van Till, Howard, et al. Science Held Hostage: What's Wrong with Creation Science and Evolutionism. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.


Austin, Richard Cartwright. Hope for the Land: Nature in the Bible. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1988.

*Brueggemann, Walter. The Land. Overtures to Biblical Theology Series. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1977.

Campolo, Tony. How To Rescue the Earth Without Worshiping Nature: A Christian's Call to Save Creation. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992.

Carmody, John. Ecology and Religion: Toward a New Christian Theology of Nature. New York: Paulist Press, 1983.

Direction vol. 21 (2) Fall, 1992. "Earthkeeping" (theme issue on Ecology and the Christian.)

DeWitt, Calvin B. The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say about the Environment? Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1991.

Glacken, Clarence J. Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1976.

Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley, ed. Tending the Garden: Essays on the Gospel and the Earth. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987.

*----------. A Worldly Spirituality: The Call to Redeem Life on Earth. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984.

------------. Ecology and Life: Accepting Our Environmental Responsibility. Waco, TX.: Word, 1988.

Gregorios, Paulos Mar. The Human Presence: An Orthodox View of Nature. World Council of Churches, 1978.

Kirk, Janice and Kirk, Donald R. Cherish the Earth: The Environment and Scripture. Scottdale, PA and Waterloo, Ont.: Herald Press, 1993.

Meyer, Art and Jocele. Earthkeepers: Environmental Perspectives on Hunger, Poverty and Injustice. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1991.

Passmore, John. Man's Responsibility for Nature: Ecological Problems and Western Traditions. London: Gerald Duckworth, 1974.

Santmire, Paul. The Travail of Nature: The Ambiguous Ecological Promise of Christian Theology. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1980.

Schaeffer, Francis. Pollution and the Death of Man. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1969.

*Wilkinson, Loren, ed. Earthkeeping In The Nineties: Stewardship of Creation. 2d. ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1991.

Young, Richard A. Healing the Earth: A Theocentric Perspective on Environmental Problems and Their Solutions. Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1994.


Further Resources:

Creation Care (formerly Green Cross)

10 East Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood PA,

U.S.A. 19096-3495

email: een@esa-online.org

Evangelical Environmental Network website: http://www.esa-online.org/een/

Evangelical Environmental Network, U.K.: http://homepages.tcp.co.uk/~carling/een/

Christian Environmental Association website: http://cesc.montreat.edu/ceo/CEA/index.html

Au Sable Institute: http://cesc.montreat.edu/ceo/ASI/index.html

A Rocha : http://cesc.montreat.edu/ceo/Rocha/index.html


Jaki, Stanley. The Road of Science and the Ways of God. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980.

MacKay, Donald, ed. Christianity in a Mechanistic Universe. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1965.

Polkinghorne, John. The Faith of a Physicist: Reflections of a Bottom-Up Thinker. The Gifford Lectures. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996.

Pollard, W. Physicist and Christian. Greenwich, Conn.: Seabury, 1961.

Russell, R.J.; Stoeger, W. R.; and Coyne, G. V. Physics, Philosophy and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding. Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1988.

Stafleu, Marinus Dirk. Time and Again: A Systematic Analysis of the Foundations of Physics. Toronto: Wedge, 1980.

*Van Till, Howard. The Fourth Day: What the Bible and the Heavens Are Telling Us about Creation. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.


Baker, T, and Jongsma, C. The Shape and Number of Things Toronto: Curriculum Development Centre, 1981. (This is an exciting elementary school curriculum.)

*Brabenac, R.L., et al. A Christian Perspective on the Foundations of Mathematics. Wheaton, Ill.: Wheaton College, 1977.

Granville, H., Jr. Logos: Mathematics and Christian Theology. E. Brunswick, NJ.: Bucknell University Press, 1976.

Howell, Russel and James Bradley, eds. Mathematics in a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001.

Huntley, H.E. The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty. New York: Dover Publications, 1970.

Jongsma, Calvin. "Christianity and Mathematics: An Analysis of Differing Approaches to the Interrelationship.'' Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies Academic Paper Series, 1985.

Van Brummelen, Harro W. "The Place of Mathematics in the Curriculum." In Shaping School Curriculum: A Biblical View. Edited by G. Steensma. Terre Haute, Ind.: Signal Press, 1977.

Further Resources:

Bibliography of Christianity and Mathematics Compiled by: Gene B. Chase and Calvin Jongsma Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College Press, 1983.


Bolter, David J. Turing's Man: Western Culture in a Computer Age. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1984.

Borgman, Albert. Crossing the Postmodern Divide. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Dreyfus, Hubert L., and Dreyfus, Stuart E. Mind over Machine: The Power of Human Expertise in the Era of the Computer. New York: Free Press, 1986.

Ellul, Jacques. The Technological Society. New York: Random House, 1967.

Emerson, Allen, and Forbes, Cheryl. The Invasion of the Computer Culture: what you need to know about the new world we live in. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1989.

Grant, George P. "The Computer Does Not Impose on Us the Ways it Should be Used" in Beyond Industrial Growth, Abraham Rotstein, ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976.

Groothuis, Douglas. The Soul In Cyberspace. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Hourglass / Baker Books, 1997.

*Lyon, David. The Silicon Society. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

*----------, The Information Society: Issues and Illusions. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988.

*----------, The Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994.

Mitcham, Carl, and Grote, Tim. Theology and Technology: Essays in Christian Analysis and Engineering, Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1984.

*Monsma, Stephen, et al. Responsible Technology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York: Vintage Books, 1993.

Rifkin, Jeremy. Declarations of a Heretic. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.

------------, Time Wars: The Primary Conflict in Human History. New York: Henry Holt, 1987.

Schumacher, E. F. Small Is Beautiful. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

Schuurman, Egbert. Technology and the Future. Toronto: Wedge, 1980.

------------, Reflections on the Technological Society. Toronto: Wedge, 1977.

Shellenberg, Kathryn. Computers In Society. Connecticut: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1994.

Winner, L. The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1986.


*Allen, David E.; Bird, Lewis P.; and Herrmann, Robert, eds. Whole Person Medicine: An International Symposium. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1980.

*Bouma, Hessel, et al. Christian Faith, Health and Medical Practice. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1989.

Granberg-Michaelson, Karin. In the Land of the Living: Health Care and the Church. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1984.

Hauerwas, Stanley. Suffering Presence: Theological Reflections on Medicine, the Mentally Handicapped and the Church. Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1986.

Jones, D. Gareth. Our Fragile Brains. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1980.

*Kelsey, Morton. Psychology, Medicine and Christian Healing. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.

Kilner, J.F., Cameron, N.M. de S., Schiedermayer, D.L., eds, Bioethics and the Future of Medicine: A Christian Appraisal. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1995.

Lammers, Stephen E., and Verhey, Allen, eds. On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987.

Marty, Martin, and Vaux, Kenneth, eds. Health/Medicine and the Faith Traditions: An Inquiry into Religion and Medicine. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982.

Miller, J. Roman and Brubaker, Beryl H. eds. Bioethics and the Beginning of Life: An Anabaptist Perspective. Scottdale, PA. and Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 1990.

Munson, R. Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics, 5th ed. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1996.

Nelson, J. B. Human Medicine. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1973.

Peters, Ted. Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom. New York and London: Routledge, 1997.

Ramsey, Paul. Fabricated Man. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1970.

Shelly, Judith Allen. Dilemma: A Nurse's Guide for Making Ethical Decisions. Downers Grove, Ill.: intervarsity Press, 1980.

Shelly, Judith Allen, and Fish, Sharon. Spiritual Care: The Nurse's Role. 3d ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.

Verhey, Allen, ed. Religion and Medical Ethics: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1996.


Further Resources:

Today's Christian Doctor: journal of the Christian Medical and Dental Society.

501 Fifth St., Bristol, TN, 37620, U.S.A.

Medical students should also refer to the section on biology.


Berry, Wendell. The Gift of Good Land. Berkeley: North Point Press, 1981.

*----------. The Unsettling of America: culture & agriculture. 2d. ed. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1986.

Freudenberger, C. Dean. Food for Tomorrow. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1984.

Hightower, Jim. Eat Your Heart Out: How Food Profiteers Victimize the Consumer. New York: Crown, 1975.

Jackson, Wes. New Roots for Agriculture. Acton, Mass.: Brick House Publishing, 1980.

Jackson, Wes; Coleman, Bruce; and Berry, Wendell; eds. Meeting the Expectations of the Land: Essays on Sustainable Agricultural Stewardship. St. Louis, Mo.: North Point Press, 1985.

Lappé, Frances M., and Collins, Joseph. Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity. New York: Ballantine, 1977.

*----------. World Hunger: Twelve Myths. New York: Grove Books, 1986.

*Longacre, D. Janzen. Living More with Less. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1980.

Lutz, Charles. Farming the Lord's Land: Christian Perspectives on American Agriculture. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1980.

McGinnis, J. Bread and Justice. Ramsey, NJ.: Paulist Press, 1979.

Nelson, J. A. Hunger for Justice. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1980.

Simon, Arthur. Bread for the World. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1975.

Voran, Marilyn Helmuth. Add Justice to Your Shopping List: A Guide for Reshaping Your Food Buying Habits. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1986.

Further Resources:

Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture

Published by the Christian Farmer's Federations of Ontario and Alberta

10766 - 97 SL

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 2MI.

Note: Agriculture and nutrition students should also pay attention to books listed under "Geography and Environmental Studies" above.



GENERAL BOOKS Setting a Christian Foundation in the Humanities And Social Sciences:

*Evans, C. Stephen. Preserving the Person. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1973. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1982. [new reprint edition available from Regent College Bookstore.]

Gaede, S. D. Where Gods May Dwell: Understanding the Human Condition. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1985.

Guinness, Os. The Dust of Death. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1973.

Jeeves, Malcolm A, ed. Behavioural Sciences: A Christian Perspective. Leicester, U.K: Inter-Varsity Press, 1988.

Lyon, David. The Steeple's Shadow: on the Myths and Realities of Secularization. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987.

*Marshall, Paul, and VanderVennen, Robert, eds. Social Science in Christian Perspective. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1988.

Seerveld, Calvin. On Being Human: Imaging God in the Modern World. Burlington, Ont.: Welch Publishing Co., 1989.

Van Leeuwen, Mary Stewart. "North American Evangelicalism and the Social Sciences: A Historical and Critical Appraisal." Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 40, 4 (December 1988): 194203.

*Wolterstorff, Nicholas. Until Justice and Peace Embrace. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1983.


Brown, Colin. Christianity & Western Thought. Vol I: From the Ancient World to the Age of Enlightenment. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1990.

Brown, Colin. Philosophy and the Christian Faith. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1969.

Casserley, Langmead. The Christian in Philosophy. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1951.

Dooyeweerd, Herman. In the Twilight of Western Thought. Nutley, NJ.: Craig Press, 1968.

Evans, C. Stephen. Philosophy of Religion. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1982.

*Hart, Hendrik. Understanding Our World: An Integral Ontology. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1984.

Holmes, Arthur. Philosophy: A Christian Perspective. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1975.

McIntire, C. T., ed. The Legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1985.

Schouls, Peter A. Descartes and the Enlightenment. Kingston, Ont., and Montreal, PQ: McGill-Queens University Press, 1989.

------------. The Imposition of Method: A Study of Descartes and Locke. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.

*Wolfe, David L. Epistemology: The Justification of Belief. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1982.

*Wolters, Albert. Our Place in the Philosophical Tradition. Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, 1975.

*Wolterstorff, Nicholas. Reason within the Bounds of Religion. 2d ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Yandell, Keith. Christianity and Philosophy. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984.

Further Resources:

Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers. c/o Department of Philosophy Asbury College, Wilmore, KY 40390


Anderson, Bernhard W. Creation Versus Chaos: The Reinterpretation of Mythical Symbolism in the Bible. New York: Association Press, 1967. Reprint ed. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987.

Blomberg, Craig L. The Historical Reliability of the Gospels. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1987.

Brueggemann, Walter. Hopeful Imagination. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986.

*----------. Israel's Praise: Doxology Against Idolatry and Ideology. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988.

Childs, Brevard. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979.

*Hanson, Paul. The People Called: The Growth of Community in the Bible. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985.

Hasel, Gerhard. Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1975.

----------. New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1978.

Hays, Richard. The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, and New Creation: a contemporary introduction to New Testament Ethics. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1996.

Ladd, George E. The New Testament and Criticism. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1966.

Marshall, I. Howard, ed. New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods. Exeter, U.K: Paternoster; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1977.

*Neill, Stephen, and Wright, Tom. The Interpretation of the New Testament: 1861--1986. 2d ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Noll, Mark. Between Faith and Criticism. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987.

Ridderbos, Herman. Paul: An Outline of His Theology. Translated by J. R. deWitt. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1975.

Seerveld. Calvin G. Balaam's Apocalyptic Prophecies: A Study in Reading Scripture. 2d ed. Toronto: Wedge, 1980.

*Swartley, Willard. Slavery, Sabbath, War, Women. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1983.

Theissen, Gerd. The Shadow of the Galilean: The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form. Translated by John Bowden. London: SCM, 1987.

Wright, Christopher. An Eye for an Eye: The Place of Old Testament Ethics Today. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1983.

Wright, Nicolas Thomas. The New Testament and the People of God. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992.

------------. Jesus and the Victory of God. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996.

Yoder, Perry. From Word to Life: A Guide to the Art of Bible Study. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1982.


Bediako, Kwame. Christianity In Africa: The Renewal of a Non-Western Religion. Edinburgh, Maryknoll: Edinburgh University Press, Orbis Books, 1995.

*Berkhof, Hendrikus. The Christian Faith. Rev. ed. Translated by Sierd Woudstra. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

Carson, D. A. The Gagging Of God: Christianity confronts pluralism. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1996.

Dyrness, William A. ed. Emerging Voices in Global Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1994.

Gutierrez, Gustavo. A Theology of Liberation. Rev. ed. Translated by C. Inda and J. Eagleson. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1988.

*Hauerwas, Stanley, and Jones, Gregory. Why Narrative? Readings in Narrative Theology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1989.

Lewis, C. S. Mere Christianity. New York: Macmillan, 1981.

Malony, H. Newton, ed. Current Perspectives in the Psychology of Religion. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1977.

McGrath, Alister. Intellectuals Don't Need God: & Other Modern Myths: Building Bridges To Faith Through Apologetics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993.

*Olthuis, James H., et al. A Hermeneutics of Ultimacy. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1986.

Neill, Stephen. Christian Faith and Other Faiths. 3d ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984.

Nicholls, Bruce J. ed. The Unique Christ In Our Pluralist World. foreword by Bong Rin Ro. Grand Rapids, Mich. and Carlise, U.K. Baker Book House and Paternoster Press, 1994.

Niebuhr, H. Richard. Christ and Culture. New York: Harper & Row, 1951.

Pinnock, Clark. The Scripture Principle. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985. [reprint edition available from Regent College Bookstore.]

Ramachandra, Vinoth. The Recovery Of Mission: Beyond the pluralist paradigm. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1996.

Ramm, Bernard. Varieties of Christian Apologetics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1974.

Stassen, Glen H., Yeager, D.M. and Yoder, J.H. Authentic Transformation, a new vision of Christ and Culture. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.

Thiselton, Anthony. The Two Horizons: New Testament Hermeneutics and Philosophical Description with Special Reference to Heidegger, Bultmann, Gadamer, and Wittgenstein. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1980.

van Huystein, Wentzel. Theology and the Justification of Faith: Constructing Theories in Systematic Theology. Translated by H. F. Snijders. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1989.

Further Resources:


Regent College,

5800 University Blvd.,

Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 2E4,



The Evangelical Quarterly

The Paternoster Press

3 Mount Radford Crescent

Exeter EX2 4JW

United Kingdom

Interpretation--A Journal of Bible and Theology

Union Theological Seminary

3401 Brook Rd.

Richmond, VA 23227



6400 Schroeder Road

Box 7895

Madison, WI 53707-7895

Canadian Evangelical Review

c/o John G. Stackhouse Jr.,

Regent College,

5800 University Blvd.,

Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 2E4,


On the Internet: Canadian Evangelical Theological Association (CETA) listserv group. To subscribe to the discussion group "CETA-L" send a one line "subscribe" message to:

ceta-l@egroups.com or go to the egroups website at : http://www.egroups.com Subscriptions are free.

Regent College website: http://www.gospelcom.net/regent/
Regent College Bookstore website: http://www.gospelcom.net/regent-bookstore/


Boulton, Wayne G., Kennedy, Thomas, and Verhey, Allen, eds. From Christ to the World: Introductory Readings in Christian Ethics. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994.

Chamberlain, Paul. Can We Be Good Without God?: a conversation about truth, morality, culture, and a few other things that matter. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1996.

Grenz, Stan. Sexual Ethics: A Biblical Perspective. Dallas: Word, 1990.

Hauerwas, Stanley. The Peaceable Kingdom: A Primer in Christian Ethics. Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1983.

Hays, Richard. The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, and New Creation: a contemporary introduction to New Testament Ethics. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1996.

Holmes, Arthur. Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984.

*Jones, D. Gareth. Brave New People: Ethical Issues at the Commencement of Life. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1985.

Longenecker, Richard N. New Testament Social Ethics for Today. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Lovin, Robin W. and Reynolds, Frank E. Cosmogony and Ethical Order: New Studies in Comparative Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.

MacIntyre, Alasdair. After Virtue. 2d ed. Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1984.

O'Donovan, Oliver. Resurrection and Moral Order: An outline for Evangelical Ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

Olthuis, James H. I Pledge You My Troth. 2d. ed. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.

*Sider, Ronald J. Completely Pro-Life: Building a Consistent Stance on Abortion, The Family, Nuclear Weapons, The Poor. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1987.

*Smedes, Lewis B. Choices: Making Right Decisions in a Complex World. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986.

------------. Mere Morality. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1983.

------------. Sex For Christians. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1976.

Stott, John. Crucial Issues Facing Christians Today. New York: Fleming Revell, 1990.

Verhey, Allen. The Great Reversal: Ethics and the New Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Whitehead, Evelyn, and Whitehead, James. Christian Life Patterns. Garden City: Doubleday, 1979.

*Wright, Christopher. An Eye for an Eye: The Place of Old Testament Ethics Today. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1983.

Students should also refer to the section above on "Medicine and Health Care."

Further Resources:

Studies In Christian Ethics

T & T Clark, 59 George St.,

Edinburgh, EH2 2LQ, Scotland.


Transformation: An International Evangelical dialogue on Mission and Ethics.

6 Lancaster Ave.,

Wynnewood, PA. 19096, U.S.A.

email: esa@esa.mhs.compuserv.com


*Bebbington, D. W. Patterns in History. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1980.

Butterfield, Herbert. Man on His Past: The Study of the History of Historical Scholarship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.

------------. Writings on Christianity and History. Edited by C. T. McIntire. New York Oxford, 1979.

Gilkey, Langdon. Reaping the Whirlwind: A Christian Interpretation of History. New York: Seabury, 1977.

Marsden, George, and Roberts, Frank, eds. A Christian View of History? Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1975.

*McIntire, C. T., ed. God, History and Historians. New York: Oxford, 1977.

McIntire, C. T., and Wells, Ron, eds. History and Historical Understanding. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Niebuhr, Reinhold. Faith and History: A Comparison of Christian and Modern Views of History. New York: Scribner's, 1949.

*Wells, Ron. History through the Eyes of Faith: Western civilization and the Kingdom of God. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.

Further Resources:

Fides et Historia Journal of the Conference on Faith and History. c/o Richard Pierard, Department of History, Indiana State University Terre Haute. IN 478095


Benner, David, ed. Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1985.

Benner, David. Psychotherapy in Christian Perspective. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1987.

Browning, Don. The Moral Context of Pastoral Care. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1976.

DeGraaff, Arnold. "Psychology: Sensitive Openness and Appropriate Reactions " Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies Academic Paper Series, n.d.

Dueck, Alvin. Between Jerusalem and Athens: ethical perspectives on culture, religion, and psychotherapy. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1995. ( has a good bibliography.)

*Evans, C. Stephen. Wisdom and Humanness in Psychology: Prospects for a Christian Approach. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1989.

Farnsworth, Kirk. Wholehearted Integration: harmonizing psychology and Christianity through word and deed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1985.

Jones, Stanton L, ed. Psychology and the Christian Faith: An Introductory Reader. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1986.

Malony, H. Newton, ed. Wholeness and Holiness: Readings in the Psychology Theology of Mental Health. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1983.

*Myers, David. The Human Puzzle: Psychological Research and Christian Belief. New York: Harper & Row, 1978.

*Myers, David, and Jeeves, Malcolm. Psychology Through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.

Peck, Scott M. The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.

Tournier, Paul. The Meaning of Persons. New York: Harper & Row, 1982.

Vaillant, George E. Adaptation To Life. Boston: Little, Brown, 1977.

Van Leeuwen, Mary Stewart. The Person in Psychology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1985.

*----------. The Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Christian Looks at the Changing Face of Psychology. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1983.

Further Resources

Journal of Psychology and Christianity

Journal of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies

P.O. Box 628

Blue Jay, CA 92317


Journal of Psychology and Theology: An Evangelical Forum for the Integration of Psychology and Theology

Rosemead School of Theology

Biola University

13800 Biola Ave.

La Mirada, CA 90639


Barret, David. Schism and Renewal in Africa. Oxford University Press, 1968.

Douglas, Mary. Purity and Danger: an Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1966.

Evans-Pritchard, E.E. Nuer Religion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956.

Grunlan, Stephen, and Mayers, Marvin. Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective. 2d ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academie, 1988.

Hesselgrave, D.J. Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1978.

Hiebert, Paul. Cultural Anthropology, 2d ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983.

Kraft, C. "Can Anthropological Insight Assist Evangelical Theory?" Christian Scholar's Review 7: 165-202, 1977.

*----------. Christianity In Culture. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1978.

*----------. Anthropology For Christian Witness. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1997.

Lingenfelter, S., and Mayers, M. Ministering Crossculturally. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986.

Mayers, M.K. Christianity Confronts Culture. 2d. ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1987.

Nida, Eugene A. Religion Across Culture. New York: Harper, 1968.

Owusu, M. "The Ethnography of Africa: The Usefulness of the Useless." American Anthropologist 80 (2), 1978.: 310-34.

Richardson, Donald. Eternity In Their Hearts. Ventura, CA.: Regal Books, 1981.

Sanneh, Lamin. Translating the Message: the Missionary Impact on Culture. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1989.

Smalley William. Readings in Missionary Anthropology II. South Pasadena, CA.: William Carey Library, 1978.

The works of Kennelm Burridge, a leading anthropologist and a Christian thinker.


Anderson, Ray, and Guernsey, Dennis. On Being a Family: A Social Theory of the Family. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

De Santo, C. Christian Perspectives on Social Problems. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1983.

*De Santo, C.; Smith-Hinds, W.; and Redekop, C. A Reader in Sociology: Christian Perspectives. Scottdale. Pa.: Herald Press, 1980.

Fraser, David Allen and Campolo, Tony. Sociology Through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1992.

Goudzwaard, Bob. Aid for the Overdeveloped West. Toronto: Wedge, 1975.

Grunlan, Stephen, and Reimer, M., eds. Christian Perspective on Sociology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1982.

Lyon, David. Sociology and the Human Image. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1983.

Perkins, Richard. Looking Both Ways: Exploring the Interface between Christianity and Sociology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1987.

Storkey, Alan. A Christian Social Perspective. Leicester, U.K: Inter-Varsity Press, 1979.


Further Resources:

National Association for Christians in Social Work

P.O. Box 90

St. Davids, PA 19087


Sociology and Christianity: An Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by: The Ilkey Group,

Leicester, U.K: UCCF Associates, 1979


The Christian Sociologist: A Publication of the Christian Sociological Society.

27 Berry College,

Mt. Berry, GA. 30149.


Note: People in sociology and social work should also pay attention to the resources listed under "Psychology," "Political Studies," and "Economics, Commerce, and Business Studies".


Lederach, John Paul. Preparing For Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1995.

*----------. "Pacifism in Contemporary Conflict: A Christian Perspective." in International Journal of Nonviolence, Vol. 3, July 1996.

Schreiter, Robert J. Reconciliation: Mission and Ministry in a Changing Social Order. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1992.

Stassen, Glen Harold. Just Peacemaking: transforming initiatives for justice and peace. Louisville, KY.: Westminster/ John Knox Press, 1992.

Volf, Miroslav. Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.

Yoder, John Howard. The Politics of Jesus: vicit Agnus noster. 2d. ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans; Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, 1994.

------------. He Came Preaching Peace. foreword by Vernon Grounds. Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 1985.

Further Resources:

Reconciliation Quarterly

32 Garth Drive,

Liverpool, U.K. L18 6HW


Chewning, Richard C., Eby, John W., and Roels, Shirley J. Business Through The Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.

Childs, James M. Jr. Ethics in Business: Faith At Work. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.

Clouse, Robert, ed. Wealth and Poverty: Four Christian Views of Economics. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984.

Cramp, A. B. Notes toward a Christian Critique of Secular Economic Theory. Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, 1975.

Devine, George. Responses to 101 Questions on Business Ethics. New York/Mahwah, N.J. Paulist Press, 1996.

Ellul, Jacques. Money and Power. Translated by LaVonne Neff. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984.

Gorringe, Timothy J. “Can Bankers Be Saved?” Studies in Christian Ethics 14 (2000) 17-33.

*Goudzwaard, Bob. Capitalism and Progress: A diagnosis of Western Society. Translated by Josina Van Nuis Zylstra. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1979.

*----------, and de Lange, Harry. Beyond Poverty and Affluence: Toward an Economy of Care. Grand Rapids and Geneva: Eerdmans and WCC., 1995.

Griffiths. Brian. The Creation of Wealth. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press. 1984.

Halteman, James. The Clashing Worlds of Economics and Faith. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1995.

Justice in the International Economic Order. Proceedings of the 2d Conference for Christian Higher Education. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Calvin College, 1980.

Owensby, Walter. Economics for Prophets: A Primer on Concepts, Realities and Values in Our Economic System. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1989.

Rae, Scott, B. and Wong, Kenman, L. Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach to Business Ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1996.

Richardson, J. David. "Frontiers in Economics and Christian Scholarship." Christian Scholar's Review 17, 4 June 1988): 381-400. (Includes a comprehensive bibliography.)

Schumacher, E. F. Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

*Sider, Ronald J. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: A Biblical Study. 4th ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1997.

Sprunger, Ben; Suter, Carol; and Kroeker, Wally. Faith Dilemmas for Marketplace Christians. Herald Press, 1997.

Stackhouse, Max. Public Theology and Political Economy: Christian Stewardship in Modern Society. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987.

*Storkey, Alan. Transforming Economics: A Christian Way to Employment. London: SPCK, 1986.

Ward, Benjamin. The Ideal Worlds of Economics: Liberal, Radical and Conservative Economic World Views. New York: Basic Books, 1979.

Wogaman, John Philip. The Great Economic Debate: An Ethical Analysis. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1977.

Note: People in economics, commerce, and business studies should also pay attention to the resources listed under "Sociology" and "Political Studies," and to section IV, "After School: Work and Leisure."


Changing Course: A Study for Canadian Social Analysis. Toronto: Citizens for Public Justice, 1987. (For address, see "Further Resources" below.)

Clements, Keith. Learning To Speak: the church's voice in public afairs. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1995.

Ellul, Jacques. The Politics of God and the Politics of Man. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1972.

Fowler, Robert Booth. A New Engagement: Evangelical Political Thought, 1966-1976. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1982.

Goudzwaard, Bob. A Christian Political Option. Toronto: Wedge, 1972.

*Malloch, Ted, and Harper, William A, eds. Where Are We Now? The State of Christian Political Reflection. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1981.

Marshall, Paul. Thine Is the Kingdom: A Biblical Perspective on Government and Politics Today. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Monsma, Stephen V. Pursuing Justice in a Sinful World. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Mott, Stephen C. Biblical Ethics and Social Change. New York: Oxford, 1982.

Mouw, Richard J. Politics and the Biblical Drama. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1983.

Neuhaus, Richard John. The Naked Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Sider, Ronald J. Cry Justice: The Bible on Poverty and Hunger. Ramsey, NJ.: Paulist Press; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1980.

Sider, Ronald J., ed. Evangelicals and Development. Toward a Theology of Social Change. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1982.

Simon, Arthur. Christian Faith and Public Policy: No Grounds for Divorce. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987.

*Spykman, Gordon, et al. Let My People Live: Faith and Struggle in Central America. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1988.

Villa-Vicencio, Charles, ed. Theology and Violence: The South African Debate. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1988.

Wolterstorff, Nicholas. Until Justice and Peace Embrace. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1984.

Yoder, John Howard. The Politics of Jesus: vicit Agnus noster. 2d. ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans; Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, 1994.

Further Resources:

Public Justice Report

Periodical of the Association for Public Justice

80615th St. NW

Suite 440

Washington, DC 20005


Periodical of Citizens for Public Justice

229 College St.

Toronto, Ontario M5T IR4


Note: Students in political studies should also pay attention to resources listed under "Sociology" and "Economics."

The following journals are helpful for people in sociology, political studies and economics. They also frequently publish articles on the arts, popular culture, contemporary media and various other disciplines.


1398 L. St. NW

Washington, DC 20005

Reformed Journal

255 Jefferson Ave SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Christian Scholar's Review

c/o Calvin College

Grand Rapids, Ml 49506


P.O. Box 4307

Berkeley, CA 94702


1: GENERAL: Art, Drama, and Music students should read the books in this section, along with the more specifically

defined works in subsections below.

Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane, ed. Art, Creativity and the Sacred. New York: Crossroad, 1985.

Begbie, Jeremy. Voicing Creation's Praise: towards a theology of the arts. Edinburgh, Scotland: T&T Clark, 1991.

Forbes, Cheryl. Imagination: Embracing a Theology of Wonder. Portland, Ore.: Multnomah Press, 1986.

Lockerbie, D. Bruce, ed. The Timeless Moment: Creativity and the Christian Faith. Westchester, Ill.: Cornerstone, 1981.

Ryken, Leland, ed. The Christian Imagination. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1981.

Ryken, Leland. Culture in Christian Perspective: A Door to Understanding and Enjoying the Arts. Portland, Ore.: Multnomah Press, 1986.

*Seerveld, Calvin G. Rainbows for the Fallen World. Toronto: Tuppance Press; Beaver Falls, Pa.: Radix Books, 1980.

*Wilson, John. One of the Richest Gifts: An Introductory Study of the Arts from a Christian Worldview. Edinburgh: The Handsel Press, 1981.

2: ART

Deart, Tim, and Porter, David, eds. Art in Question. London Lectures in Contemporary Christianity. London: Marshall Pickering, 1982.

Rookmaaker, Hans. The Creative Gift: Essays on Art and Christian Life. Westchester, Ill.: Good News, 1981.

------------. Modern Art and the Death of a Culture. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1970.

*Wolterstorff, Nicholas. Art in Action. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1980.

------------. Works and Worlds of Art. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.


Wink, Walter. "Bible Study and Movement for Human Transformation" in Krondorfer, Björn ed. Body and Bible: Interpreting and Experiencing Biblical Narratives. Philadelphia: Trinity Press, 1992, pp. 120-132.

Vos, Nelvin. The Great Pendulum of Becoming: Images in Modern Drama. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, l981.

Herzog, William R. Parables as Subversive Speech: Jesus as pedagogue of the oppressed. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster/ John Knox Press, 1994.

Note: Drama students should also find helpful some general principles from the "Literature" section below.


Best, Harold. Music Through The Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1993.

Edgar, William. Taking Note of Music. London: SPCK, 1986.

Note: People in music would find assistance in some of the books listed under "Media Studies and Communications," and "Literature."


Bachman, John W. Media - Wasteland or Wonderland: Opportunities and Dangers for Christians in the Electronic Age. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1984.

Christians, Clifford G. "A Cultural View of Mass Communications: Some Explorations for Christians." Christian Scholar's Review 7, 1 (1977): 3-22.

Ellul, Jacques. The Humiliation of the Word. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1985.

Fore, W. F. Television and Religion: The Shaping of Faith, Values and Culture. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1987.

Goethals, Gregor. The TV Ritual: Worship at the Video Altar. Boston: Beacon Press, 1981.

*Greeley, Andrew M. God in Popular Culture. Chicago: Thomas More Press, 1988.

Horsfield, Peter. Religious Television. New York: Longman, 1984.

*Lyon, David. The Information Society: Issues and Illusions. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988.

*Nelson, John W. Your God Is Alive and Well and Appearing in Popular Culture. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1976.

Owens, Virginia Stem. The Total Image: On Selling Jesus in the Modern Age. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1980.

Postman, Neil. Amusing Ourselves to Death. New York: Penguin, 1985.

Russell, Nick. Morals and the Media: Ethics and Journalism. U.B.C. Press, 1994.

Schultze, Quentin. Television: Manna from Hollywood. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1986.


Berry, Wendell. Standing by Words. St. Louis, Mo.: North Point, 1983.

Dillard, Annie. Living by Fiction. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1982.

Ericson, E. E., Jr., and Tennyson, G. B., eds. Religion and Modern Literature: Essays in Theory and Criticism. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1975.

Ficken, Carl. God 's Story and Modern Literature: Reading Fiction in Community. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985.

Lewis, C. S. Studies in Words. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974.

*----------. An Experiment In Criticism. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

*Lundin, Roger, and Gallagher, Susan. Literature through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.

*Ryken, Leland. Triumphs of the Imagination. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1979.

Ryken, Leland, ed. The Christian Imagination: Essays on Literature and the Arts. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1981.

Sayers, Dorothy. The Mind Of The Maker. 9th ed., London: Methuen, 1947, New York: Meridian Books, 1964.

Sire, James W. How to Read Slowly. Wheaton, Ill.: Harold Shaw, 1989.

TeSelle, S.F. Literature and the Christian Life. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.

Timmerman, John, and Hettinga, Donald. In the World: Reading and Writing as a Christian. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1987.

Tischler, Nancy. A Voice of Her Own: Women, Literature and Transformation. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1987.


Further Resources:

Christianity and Literature: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Journal of the Conference on Christianity and Literature.

c/o English Department

Baylor University

Waco, TX 76798-7404


Bilezikian, Gilbert. Beyond Sex Roles: A Guide for the Study of Female Roles in the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Bakers, 1985.

Clouse, Bonnidell, and Clouse, Robert G. Women in Ministry: Four Views. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1989. (Includes an excellent bibliography.)

*Evans, Mary J. Woman in the Bible. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press; Exeter: Paternoster, 1983.

Hagan, June S., ed. Gender Matters: Women's Studies for the Christian Community. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1989.

Hayter, Mary. The New Eve In Christ: The Use and Abuse of the Bible in the Debate about Women in the Church. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.

Heine, Suzanne. Christianity and the Goddesses: systematic criticism of a feminist theology. Trans. John Bowden. London: SCM Press Ltd.. 1987.

Hurtado, Larry. ed. 1990. Goddesses in Religions and Modern Debate. Atlanta, GA.: Scholars Press. University of Manitoba Studies in Religion v. I.

Mickelsen, Alvera, ed. Women, Authority and the Bible. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1986.

Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey. The Divine Feminine: The Biblical Language of the God as Female. New York: Crossroad, 1983.

Scanzoni, Letha, and Hardesty, Nancy. All We're Meant to Be: Biblical Feminism for Today. Waco, Tex.: Word, 1974.

Sneiders, Sandra. Women and the Word: The Gender of God in the New Testament and the Spirituality of Women. New York: Paulist Press, 1986.

*Storkey, Elaine. What's Right with Feminism. London: SPCK, 1985; and Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1986.

Trible, Phyllis. God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978.

*Van Leeuwen, Mary Stewart. Gender and Grace. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1990.

------------.ed. After Eden: Facing the Challenge of Gender Reconciliation. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans and Carlisle: Paternoster, 1993.


Brueggeman, Walter. The Creative Word: Canon as a Model for Biblical Education. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982.

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