Canadian Mennonite University

About the Centre for Career and Vocation

The Centre for Career and Vocation is an initiative funded by NetVUE that brings together three areas:

  1. Career development and vocational discernment—we support students with everything from career exploration to career resources to work search strategy and document preparation
  2. Practicum/ Work-integrated learning—we are the only school in Canada that includes a work-integrated learning placement for all undergraduates to build bridges between what they’re learning inside and outside the classroom, and build their network while they’re at it
  3. Vocation-centred advising and curriculum—we support faculty and staff to build vocational discernment explicitly into their teaching and advising practices, and to provide additional advising to students

The Centre for Career and Vocation is committed to helping students connect their curiosity, creativity, and calling and find ways to put these to work.

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