Leading Worship Workshops
Lead by Christine Longhurst, these workshops seek to help resource worship leaders of all kinds.
Planning Well: A Workshop for Pastors, Worship Planners, Musicians, and Leaders (January 30, 2016)
Leading Well: A Workshop for Song Leaders and Worship Leaders (November 14, 2015)

Planning Well: A Workshop for Pastors, Worship Planners, Musicians, and Leaders
with Christine Longhurst
How much thought have we given to our worship orders? Many of us continue to work with worship orders we've inherited from our parents and grandparents. Others have thrown out past models and invented their own. But how effective are these worship orders? How successful are they at bringing us into an encounter with God?
This workshop will explore a variety of current models for worship, and offer practical suggestions for how we might strengthen and enrich our corporate worship experiences.
- Where do our worship orders come from? How did we land up with the order we are currently using?
- How well does our worship order bring us into dialogue with God? What might be missing?
- How effectively does our worship order engage people who come to worship? Are there ways in which we could strengthen congregational involvement?
- How do we plan worship? Are there other approaches we might want to consider trying?
Date and Location
Saturday, January 30, 2016
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Canadian Mennonite University Chapel
600 Shaftesbury Blvd., Winnipeg
Costs and Registration
Cost is $35 per person, and $25 for each additional person from the same congregation. Students are $10.
On-line registration is now closed. However, if you are interested in attending this workshop, please come on Saturday morning and you will be registered at that time. If you have any questions contact Abram Bergen (abergen
Comments from previous workshop participants
- “A great morning! Worthwhile! Christine is a wealth of knowledge, skill & joy. Inspirational!”
- “Invaluable information. Very applicable to the church today, and helpful for planning worship.”
- “Thank you for a wonderfully inspiring workshop. Christine’s enthusiasm is contagious!”
- “I’m thinking of many other people who should have been here!”
Presented by
- Canadian Mennonite University
- CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre
Sponsored by

Leading Well: A Workshop for Song Leaders and Worship Leaders
In recent years, many churches have invested significant time and energy in the leadership of worship music. Less attention has often been given to the role of spoken worship leadership: the comments, readings and prayers that move us through the worship order. In many churches, song leaders are expected to do both musical and spoken worship leading. In other churches, song leaders and spoken worship leaders look for ways to work together effectively.
Topics to be explored may include:
- What kind of personal preparation do we need to do before leading others in worship?
- How do we begin and end worship well?
- What kinds of comments are helpful when leading singing?
- How can we create a helpful flow when we move from song to song? Or from song to prayer?
- When can our comments be more disruptive than helpful?
- How can song leaders and spoken worship leaders work together more effectively?
- How can we more effectively engage the congregation in prayer?
- What kinds of resources are available to help us?
Session 1: Leading Worship
This workshop explores the challenges and opportunities worship leaders face, and offers practical ideas about how we might lead our congregations into a meaningful encounter with God.
Session 2: Leading Prayer
This workshop explores the role of spoken and sung prayer in our worship services, and offers suggestions for how we might more effectively engage our people in direct conversation with God.
Hear Christine Longhust speak with CHVN Radio 950 about the Leading Well workshop (Feb. 3, 2015)
Date and Location
November 14, 2015
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
CMU Chapel
600 Shaftesbury Blvd., Winnipeg
Costs and Registration
Cost is $35 per person, and $25 for each additional person from the same congregation. Students are $10.
You can also register by printing out and completing the registration form PDF and sending to CMU by mail, fax, or email:
Canadian Mennonite University
Sounds Good II
500 Shaftesbury Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB R3P 2N2 Fax: 204.487.3858 Email: info